Leaderstats Module with DataStore

Overview: This guide shows you how to use the LeaderstatModule to manage player stats in your Roblox game. This module makes it easy to create and manage stats, save them at regular intervals, and save data when players leave. You can name your stats anything you like.

Link to LeaderstatModule Script

How to Use LeaderstatModule

  1. Add the Module to Your Game
  • In ServerScriptService, create a new Script.
  • Use the LeaderstatModule to handle player stats.
  1. Add Stats for New Players
  • Use LeaderstatModule.AddStat(player, "StatName", initialValue) to create stats.
  • Replace "StatName" with the name of your stat (like "Cash" or "Score").
  • Replace initialValue with the starting value (like 0).Example:


Copy code

LeaderstatModule.AddStat(player, "Cash", 0)
  1. Set Up Auto-Saving
  • Decide how often you want to auto-save stats (in seconds).
  • Use LeaderstatModule.SetupAutoSave(player, interval) to start auto-saving.
  • Replace interval with the number of seconds between auto-saves.Example:


Copy code

task.spawn(LeaderstatModule.SetupAutoSave, player, 300) -- Saves every 5 minutes
  1. Save Stats When a Player Leaves
  • Use LeaderstatModule.SaveAllStats(player) to save stats when a player leaves the game.
  • Make sure this function runs when the player is removed.
  1. Customize Your Stats
  • Name your stats whatever you want by changing the AddStat parameters.
  • For example, create a "Level" stat with an initial value of 1.Example:


Copy code

LeaderstatModule.AddStat(player, "Level", 1)

Example Script

Here’s a simple script to get you started:


Copy code

local LeaderstatModule = require(game.ServerScriptService.LeaderstatModule)

    -- Set up stats for the player
    LeaderstatModule.AddStat(player, "Cash", 0)
    LeaderstatModule.AddStat(player, "Level", 1)

    -- Set up auto-saving every 300 seconds
    task.spawn(LeaderstatModule.SetupAutoSave, player, 300)

    -- Save all stats when the player leaves


Follow these steps to manage player stats easily with the LeaderstatModule. Customize the stats as needed and make sure your data is saved. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


can you try implementing profileService to this system?