Hello there!
So I was trying to make leaderstats and everything went fine, until I tested my game and instead of my leaderstats being ‘Cash’ and ‘Wins’, it was ‘rebirths’ and ‘strength’.
Here you can see the output. I’m randomly getting errors:
Here is my player with the leaderstats that shouldn’t be there:
I’ve already tried searching in my other games for leaderstats with ‘rebirths’ and ‘strength’, but I found nothing…
Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?
Thank you!
Sorry if this is the wrong category, tell me if it is
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April 22, 2022, 2:56pm
Would be great if you could share the script itself.
April 22, 2022, 3:04pm
this thing is always happend but now i have a new simple one:
Make A Folder In ServerStorage
Rename The Folder into “Leaderstats”
Insert The Values
and code this in ServerScriptService:
game.ServerStorage.leaderstats:Clone().Parent = player -- Clone The Object
reply me for any issues
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What values do you mean? Strength and rebirths?
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April 22, 2022, 3:09pm
i believe there’s other scripts changing your value names
otherwise there’s a plugin doing that kind of mess
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April 22, 2022, 3:09pm
anything you make (number value or string value)
strength and rebirth can too!
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I’ve searched for other scripts, but I didn’t found any, even in other games
Here are my plugins:
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I create the values with my scripts into a folder called leaderstats
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April 22, 2022, 3:12pm
it’s kinda conspicuous because i can see an error message regarding a plugin
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April 22, 2022, 3:14pm
to make the script working:
Insert The Created Value into folder
Keep folder name is “leaderstats” (i forgot because the L is the alphabets or caps lock, turn it to normal)
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oh, do you have any idea what plugin it could be?
April 22, 2022, 3:17pm
i cant determine, but if that’s not the answer try filtering “script” in the search bar in the explorer and check all scripts
April 22, 2022, 3:21pm
to make it easier, press ctrl + f while in a script, then something will pop up, then enter in the search bar the name of the words in
, then you can find them
doesn’t work for me… what values do I put in? Sorry I don’t understand
Do I have to do this while playing?
April 22, 2022, 3:27pm
value can be added:
String Value
Number Value
Bool Value
that all value that can be working
Done, couldn’t find any scripts with that words
April 22, 2022, 3:31pm
what is personal gui rescaler ? does it require script injection?