Learn Lua - The learning website

WARNING: This is still in early-stage developement. Many updates will add-up to the website with new things.

I made a website to help you learn lua if you don’t have time to watch videos and if you have more ease learning by reading.

The website is called learn-lua.com.

If you have any suggestions, mistakes to correct or you would want to help, feel free to reply or private-message me.

September 16th, 3:15 pm EST; Updated website with a new section; FUNCTIONS! Go check it out!

A new website, html and css coded, way more professional and with separated topics instead of one full page will be coming very soon on the same domain.


Just a suggestion to make the website different from the roblox dev hub. Maybe focus more on basics and how to use them. For example instead of showing only how to use services show how to combine the basics and other service with that service to create stuff that would help people be more likely to not just learn what the service is like on the dev hub but learn how to use them to make something useful.


Spelling mistake; mentionned
Its where you talk about naming parts

Thank you for telling me this! I never knew what _G was before!


Is a very good website for roblox stodio bignners i will suggest it to my friend

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Ain't there another way to do this?

(without having to write out transparency so much, and wait…?)

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It can actually be useful for some details or things for beginners. I’m glad to see people creating websites to help making learning Lua easier! Nice.

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brain melt’d after i saw this :cold_sweat:

Surely there is another way and that is by using TweenService but that is not what we’re being taught as it’s about creating Variables.


This is a great idea, actually. It’ll take care of the portion of people who learn best from infographics than by reading or through videos.

It’ll also probably help eliminate a lot of the annoying “how do i script” and “where can i learn to code” threads.

local Part = workspace.Part

for Index = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do
    Part.Transparency = Index

Such a better example for variables and how to use them. (Especially to change transparency…)


I don’t think anyone who’s learning to use variables knows how to use for loops yet


Yes however they shouldnt be teaching beginners to repeat code, they should be teaching them the most efficient way to do it - just changing it to a variable is no better than referencing the part every time

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This should be added later on. We want to include the basics first, then we’ll show how to use them in sub sections. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Could you elaborate on that, please?

I specifically said below I’ll hop on loops later

Could you help, instead? Lol. Contact me on Discord if you do; AlemDev#3479

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When do you estimate it will be finished

This will be my go to site btw

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It will always be updated with new information so I don’t have a planned “finish date”

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Your website is great! I actually think though maybe It would go Better on a place where more Younger developers could find your website when they are starting off.

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I mean like Somewhere other then the 13+ Devforum space

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Where would that be? I shared it here but I don’t know where else!