Learn More About First-Time User Experience & Onboarding

[Update] December 7, 2023

Hello, Developers!

The first few minutes of gameplay are key to every game’s success. This period, known as the onboarding or First-Time User Experience (FTUE), introduces new players to the game: its core loop gameplay, progression systems, and short/mid/long-term goals. During this time, players decide if they understand and enjoy the game enough to continue playing.

The design of the onboarding experience is essential because it determines whether those new players will be engaged enough to return and play again the next day.

Want to know more? The Creator Documentation onboarding article covers these questions and more:

  • What are the most important goals for designing a successful onboarding experience?
  • What techniques can be used to design effective, lightweight tutorials?
  • What is Day One (D1) retention, and why is it important for the long-term health of a live game?

Additional onboarding and tutorial techniques will be covered in upcoming articles! In the meantime, for more articles and videos about designing, building, monetizing, and supporting a live game, check out the Design section of the Creator Documentation site.

We hope you find this content useful and are excited to hear your feedback for future content.

Thank you!


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This is nice but I think you should make a separate section for official tutorials as I get exited when I see something in updates but then I see it’s a tutorial and then I’m sad :cry:


I completely agree with that. We are being announced what? Tutorials?


It could be useful instead of posting these inside of announcements, to place them in a new resources section so they can be more easily found without the crowds of other newly added features.



Add Resources > Industry tutorials/Roblox tutorials etc

And allow verified or known developers to post “industry standard” tutorials


Hey everyone,

We are excited to share that there are…

  • NEW onboarding techniques article, including:

    • visual elements to guide players through the onboarding experience.

    • contextual tutorials that provide just-in-time instructions when they’re most relevant to players

    • timed hints that target struggling players without adding to the onboarding time of players who don’t need it

  • NEW onboarding techniques sketch series video to complement the article

Please let us know if you have any questions.


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