im making a zombie game inspired by world war z aftermath and 28 days later. this is supposed to be another learning project for me to learn how pathfinding and AI works in the roblox game engine.
i have a base zombie system working with randomized skin colors, pathfinding, random clothes, animations, and more. below are some videos displaying this.
Looks great! though if one suggestion, probably use collisiongroups to prevent having the humanoids create an ant-wall unless its completely intentional
Thank you! How would I go about that? do you mean just assigning a few of them in different collision groups? (eg zombie 1 & 2 are in collisiongroup “Zombies”, zombie 3 is in collisiongroup “random”)
If you want to prevent the climbing over eachother trope that they’re executing, you can set all of the zombies collisiongroup to a singular group, but if you intend on keeping said behavior, your suggested method works (not changing it also works in this case)
oh and lastly, if you haven’t already
try to spare some server load by disabling unnecessary states (if your zombie doesn’t need to climb/swim for example), humanoids are very taxing and needy.
And once you get the hang of the system, try optimizing your scripts EVEN further by utilizing complicated stuff like client-sided rendering, parallel code execution and much more