Can you leave feedback on my next project?
Why are you calling it “AI”? Where is the artificial intelligence? Where is the machine learning?
Because it adjusts itself to your level
I don’t think theres any “AI” involved in this game, it doesnt seem like it adjust to your “level”. I have set it to “noob” and it should generate a pretty easy obby right? no, it seems to just randomly generate pre-existing stages and doesn’t even seem to consider the difficulty. this is seem to be more of a stages[math.random(#stages)]
. You have gained the reputation of making false claims and even scamming people for your “ai” product, and why I don’t trust you that theres actually ai involved.
Please fix the red neon, it was literally tearing my eyes apart.
The Wins
counter doesn’t properly function. If you touch the last brick, you can gain an additional 5 wins
The levels that you can change, between noob, ok, and pro, is only to make that the ai increases your progress rate according to your level, like if you set it to noob, then it is should make it easy for you, that you didn’t drop in level very quickly.
and also, the wins that you get when you finish the obby it depends on your level.
this isnt even ai lol
its just random platform types with the most common being the blue basic platoform with the distance literally similar to each other
also i suspected that the difficulty selector doesnt work
if you really want to make smth “ai” or “randomly generated” then make the positions and length of each obby randomized with different positions from each new platform, otherwise this is just another WHYI_MFAT design lol
why not make smth useful? like some “studio optimizer” or smth
Honestly, this is just if difficulty == "eazy" then local nOfPlatforms = 20 local nOfDeathPlatforms = 0 for i = 1, nOfPlatforms do local platform = Instance.new("Part", game.Workspace) ...
and whatnot.
Not AI. I don’t see how this is AI. AI has driven this world crazy to a point anyone is calling anything AI.
Not AI.
AI is Artificial Intelligence.
Your game modifies the length of the obby, and rarely brings in new obstacles (Which mind you, the PRO obstacles are still insanely easy)
This is not AI, as its just getting a length and generates random things based off chance.
Heres an example of what the source code of this game probably looks like:
(and even with this being an example and written on the forum not studio, it still probably looks better and runs better than OP’s code)
function GetObstacle(Difficulty)
local Chance = math.random(1, 100)
local Selected = nil
for _, Obstacle in pairs(ReplicatedStorage[Difficulty]:GetChildren()) do
if not Selected or Obstacle.Chance.Value >= Chance and Obstacle.Chance.Value < Selected.Chance.Value then
Selected = Obstacle
return Selected
function Generate(Difficulty, ObbyLength)
for Index = 1, ObbyLength do
local Ob = GetObstacle(Difficulty)
if not Ob then repeat task.wait() Ob = GetObstacle(Difficulty) until Ob
Ob.Parent = workspace.Obby
-- Generating
Generate("Easy", 5)
Generate("Ok", 10)
Generate("Pro", 15)
Made the game R6 locked since its an obby game.
Use attributes to avoid giving the player multiple wins when they touch the win pad.
Yeah, I know you’re lying about it being an intended feature, its too inconsistent.
How to set this up, since I already know you’re going to have trouble with it:
-- In the function that gives the wins
if Part:GetAttribute("Hit") then return end
Part:SetAttribute("Hit", true)
Player.leaderstats.Wins.Value += 1
-- When the player generates a level
Part:SetAttribute("Hit", nil)
Seriously, stop branding everything you make as AI and all that when in reality, it isn’t.
Your “AI” you made a while ago? It just grabbed stuff from wikipedia and the internet and you intentionally slowed it down by using wait(10)
to try and make people pay for “premium”
And, I’m assuming that because you’re working on this now, your monopoly ripoff is abandoned now?
If you managed to make an obby which was literally ran by AI and automatically adjusted to the player, that would be impressive.
This game you made and published however, isn’t even AI. Its just math.random()
in a loop.
Adding on,
AI is not just if statements and pre-scripted things. AI learns, and can make its own things.
For example, the AI cars in Forza games. As they all mostly follow a set path, they will still make adjustments for whats happening around them, and also make minor adjustments to the path.
And, the cars mostly following a set path is actually good in forza, as the path they’re given is the race line, the “fastest” way to complete a lap realistically.
this is not “just math.random() in a loop” this is:
That’s not what he meant to say…
We know about how this works, and it isn’t AI. This is just a basic adjustable obby…
I literally provided sample code of how your game works.
Yes, its math.random, but you’re using the random number to generate odds depending on the difficulty the user selected, not to select a random part of the obby.
Each part of the obby has a set chance of being selected per difficulty.
This screenshot is what I’m trying to say:
If your obby was AI generated, it wouldn’t use preset obstacles and odds, it would instead generate the obstacles itself and properly adjust the difficulty for what the user selects.
From what I saw, your game only has 3 different obstacles for ALL the difficulties, and again, it is just using math.random to generate the odds of picking a certain obstacle.
Seriously, if you’re going to label something as AI when it isn’t, at least try to make it convincing.
And also, learn the proper definition of AI.
And AI generating your obby would include generation the obstacles, not picking presets.
If you look at the screenshot of the game, the blue tiles are very obviously in the same pattern all the time, and the red bar platforms are always the same.
Again, you’re using math.random() to generate chances, not select a tile. This does not mean your game is AI, it means it is RNG (Random-Number-Generated/Generator)
Very useful information regarding this topic.
I’m just going to stop responding after this to avoid myself losing more brain cells from your stupidity.
Even if I am wrong about the game using presets (Well, I’m at least partly not, the kill brick is clearly a preset) your game is still using math.random, which for the last time is RNG, not AI.
Sure, but all 3 of your points mean the exact same thing, so its really just one point. Why bother listing it as 3?
So, even if I am wrong about exactly how your game functions, its still RNG, not AI.
its true its its using preset object, but not preset obby.
He never even said that! Are you even reading this stuff properly?
no, dont worry, its normal; he never reads stuff properly and instead makes useless resources and “oh but no this is actually ai” and “here are 0 reasons why i think you are a bad person”. and dont forget about him charging up to around 300 robux (iirc) for his fake products
I already know that from past experience. Infact, he has (on numerous occasions) flagged my posts for being off-topic, even though it was on-topic.