Ledge System:How To make

So this is my first time learning about Raycast and but im trying to make A ledge system and i don’t know what to start on

So im trying to make A ledge system that can Ledge Jump, Ledge Move, Ledge Turn


I would advise you 2 things to do
1st is Watch this Video Ledge Climbing System Tutorial | Roblox Studio
btw if your part is over 8 stud tall this video might not work .

2nd is you should probably learn some cframe math and applying trigonometry it will help you for your Ledge System

I wish you all the best my Fellow Scripter
I Hope I solved your Problem


This was my before ledge system it works but not the best i want it to

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What exactly do you want it to do btw?

I want it to get The Ledge Direct Positon and its Orientation
And Tween Into it

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sorry for the super late response
but i don’t know how to help you because I’m a lil bit confused on how to help you
But i would advise you to maybe try using ChatGPT
coz chatgpt helped me a lot with my lua questions
I hope this helps you out

For tagging ledges

For efficient spatial queries

For animation

I’m a lil bit confused On Where to Run Raycast on like RunService

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