Legacy Ads Manager Sponsor didn't run for full 24 hours

I sponsored an old game of mine (Planet Defender Tycoon, game ID 10344676502) two years ago for 20k robux on November 4th of 2022. The sponsor can be found via this link: Sponsor page

Note that this sponsor was with the LEGACY sponsoring system. After I had sponsored, the website went down, came back up and my ad never ran again. On the sponsor page its status still reads “Stopped”.

Expected behavior

I expected the ad to run again after the website had gone down, until its deadline. Or atleast receive a refund for the remainder of the time that the sponsor had not run for.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Our records do not indicate any major incidents on November 4-5, 2022, that would have affected the sponsored games. In fact, your campaign received a decent number of plays and clicks during this period. Additionally, please note that Roblox does not alter the status of campaigns to “Stop”. Unfortunately, this situation does not meet the criteria outlined in our refund policy. Thank you for reporting