Hey guys,
So with the inevitable removal of legacy CSG ever approaching - I was wondering if it were possible to replicate the style of merging from Legacy in v2 - v3?
I understand that Legacy isn’t the best way to go as it was essentially the first version - However, it’s still got the best merging method I’ve seen to date.
I.e. Spheres into spheres etc.
I’ve tried working with the Smoothing Angles on v2+ however I can’t get it anywhere near as good as the legacy & I always end up getting strange shadows.
One of the main features that v1 had that v2 and v3 lack is the ability to naturally merge objects - I understand that v2 - v3 offers “Smoothing Angles” but these do not offer the natural transition that v1 offered:
Above are the exact same parts - Top is done with Legacy, lower is down with v2+.
As you can see, the lower image lacks the smooth merging.
As a ROBLOX Dev, I quite enjoy doing my work primarily on ROBLOX - Studio itself is a somewhat 3D Modeller with the added bonus of CSG. However, CSG lacks some much needed attention.
I was going to display the “thin line” bug that occurs when you union WedgeParts onto BaseParts however it seems that has been patched now!
I hope you take the time to read & consider this proposal. ^^
Hi @OiiTaru,
On the CSG V2+ picture, you have not tried “Smooth angles”, is that correct? But from what I understand, even with “Smooth angles”, you can’t reproduce what you had with CSG V1.
We’re looking for better tools for CSG so I will add that as a feature request. Can’t promise anything obviously but it will definitely be considered. Don’t hesitate if you have more feedback or ideas.
Brilliant! Thank you!
Yeah, I’ve messed around with Smoothing Angles but as you pointed out there’s no way to replicate the legacy merging.
Truthfully, a good CSG will be a merging of both Legacy & New.
The ability to smooth as with Legacy and the removal of that pesky error message when objects cannot be merged.
Like I said, I prefer using CSG to MeshParts as I can edit them there & then if need be, whereas with MeshParts its alot of messing around, opening a third party software, editing, confirming, reuploading, waiting, running the risk of accidental moderation etc.
Hi @Tconnect -
Just wondering if there has been any update on this from the Team working with CSG?
Curious as to whether the concept was pitched or dropped by the team?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I was on holiday for a few weeks. We still have to look at this in more details. In theory, we should be able to replicate the smoothing behavior that the legacy CSG offers. However we’d like to reduce the number of options / properties for CSG so we are still looking at what’s the most natural way to expose these options.
Just chasing this up with the deprecation of Legacy pitted for the 31st of March; Smoothing Angles still does not offer what Legacy does:- Below is a brief example; Img1 is using CsgV3 and Img2 is using Legacy. The visual difference is far too great to be deprecated as this cannot be achieved as easily (if at all) using SmoothingAngles.