LegacyChatReplacer is an open-source model I created to add some extra functionality which was missing from the Custom text chat UI .
The example listed in documentation is missing a lot of functionality, such as:
- being able to whisper to other players
- being able to mute other players
- making team channels and whisper channels save in the TextBox
- clearing the chat window of all messages
and other basic features.
A lot of other custom up-to-date TextChatService modules I’ve noticed are too difficult to modify, have too many features for what I have wanted from them, or are confusing to navigate in general.
LegacyChatReplacer aims to create a reference point for developers who have a basic understanding of how the TextChatService API works and want to save time reprogramming missing features back into a custom frontend. It also looks similar to the original Legacy Chat Service UI.
Get the model here: LegacyChatReplacer - Creator Store
Let me know what you think!