LegendOJ1 Plugin Revamp

LegendOJ1 Plugin Revamp

This weekend I revamped all 4 of my plugins to address bugs that have been reported in the past few months. I am glad I could finally find time to improve my plugins, making them more efficient and more customizable. See the updates for each plugin below.

I recommend updating all of these plugins to the newest version if you have them, specifically DevTools as I have fixed a nasty lagging issue. To update your plugins, simply head to the “Manage Plugins” section and you should see all four of these plugins in the “Updates” section.

Auto Anchor (50k+ installs at time of writing)

Auto Anchor

This plugin is my most popular plugin, and also happens to be one of the fastest growing free plugins on Roblox. In this update, I made a few quality of life changes to make the plugin perform better.

→ Fixed bug where player characters would be anchored in play-test mode with Anchor Rigs setting enabled
→ Added “Anchor All” action to undo history
→ Settings now save when restarting Studio, so you don’t have to toggle the plugin on every time it starts

Developer Tools (10k+ installs at time of writing)

Developer Tools

This plugin is a collection of a few developer tools including conversion of offset to scale, part/script line counters and a tasks list that gathers tasks from your scripts. In the most recent update, I made a few small but important changes to improve the performance of this plugin.

Message from developer:
Due to Roblox constantly advancing and adding new features, such as texturing the baseplate automatically, adding new tools to count parts and script lines and other plugins existing for the sole purpose of converting UI properties, Developer Tools has become less of a necessary plugin now.

For this reason, I have decided not to continue the maintenance of Developer Tools. I recommend anyone relying on Developer Tools’ functionality for UI conversion move to this plugin, and for tasks move to this plugin (as it uses the same syntax for creating tasks). For a script line counter use this plugin.

I appreciate all the support on Developer Tools, though I feel it’s time to move on from it as I feel the tools are becoming less necessary.

→ Fixed a critical lag issue with the plugin where Studio would stutter every few seconds
→ Fixed scale/offset conversion bug (should work as expected now)
Still a small bug where you can only auto scale GUI one object at a time; fix coming soon
→ Made part and script line counters more accurate by ignoring Roblox core scripts

Class Selector (1k+ installs at time of writing)

Class Selector

The Class Selector plugin helps developers easily select objects of a specific class in their workspace. I made a few small changes to make this plugin easier to use.

Class Selector is a relatively new but useful plugin and I hope to update it with more cool settings in future. Let me know what you’d like to see.

→ If you do not have anything selected to search it will search for that class in the Workspace by default
→ By selecting an object and then using Class Selector, it will search for children of that object that are of the specified ClassName
→ ClassName is not case sensitive (e.g. “basepart” will still select “BasePart”)

Get Object Path (500+ installs at time of writing)

Get Object Path

Get Object Path is a super-lightweight plugin that prints the full path of the selected object into the output window. Useful for objects that have long paths that are tedious to type in scripts often. Since this plugin is so basic, there wasn’t too much to fix about it, though the small changes will improve the efficiency of developers’ workflows.

→ Plugin is now available within the script editor, so you can use it while coding rather than having to exit the editor to use it
→ Fixed bug where path for objects with spaces in name would not be in [ ]
→ Will now print the paths of every object the user has selected

Install my plugins:

Thanks for all your support on my plugins :slight_smile: