A fellow scripter of mine has ported something absolutely amazing to ROBLOX!
Introducing, the amazing (but slow) Gameboy COLOR emulator, featuring the full version of Pokemon Red!
Do I need to say much more? [size=1]I hope not qq[/size]
I would like to see this try to become a thing (since Anti doesn’t feel like open sourcing), so I would like to know if anyone would be interested in joining up to make another port, and make it even faster. If you are, leave a post in this thread.
It shouldn’t be in theory, however the constant creation/deletion can be. I had the same problem with a mario-esque game I was creating and found recycling frames helped a lot.
If he were to recycle frames versus create/delete (and only create/delete when needed) that might resolve a lot of lag.
At first I thought the issue was due to the creation and deletion of the GUIs at first, but anyone that is capable of making that emulator is smart enough to know about efficiency so I highly doubt this is the case. The colors are most likely being changed.
With that in mind, my game framerate drops severely when I move. This indicates that unupdated pixels don’t cost as much to process. This is either his code or ROBLOX’s code that does no work when you attempt to set a value equal to its current value.
[quote] At first I thought the issue was due to the creation and deletion of the GUIs at first, but anyone that is capable of making that emulator is smart enough to know about efficiency so I highly doubt this is the case. The colors are most likely being changed.
With that in mind, my game framerate drops severely when I move. This indicates that unupdated pixels don’t cost as much to process. This is either his code or ROBLOX’s code that does no work when you attempt to set a value equal to its current value.
Really neat! [/quote]
Can confirm it’s his optimization code. A few updates back there was no real optimization, it was still laggy when you didn’t move. Yay for optimization \o/
So this guy basically wrote a Gameboy emulator in Lua?[/quote]
Yep. Luckily it isn’t as difficult as you’d think. There’s plenty of sourcecode out there from other gameboy emulators (I’d say the most popular system to emulate) and shouldn’t be very difficult to port. The question is: will ROBLOX allow a Pokemon Red ROM to be redistributed like this on their site? Probably/hopefully.