Leif Corporation Handbook (03/2025)

Screenshot 2025-02-27 at 7.42.51 AM

Leif Corporation.
The following document is the official handbook of Leif Corporation, written by the Board of Directors+. Please read it carefully. Any changes to this handbook will be made clear.

Leif Corporation is a training and roleplay group, with ranks, points, and etc.

We are a unstoppable force.

                                     General Reminders
  • Follow the Roblox TOS at all times, failure to do so will lead to a ban from Leif Corporation, and a report to Roblox.

  • Exploiting and glitching are extremely frowned upon. They can lead to a 3 day ban on the first offense, and a dismissal from event.

  • Do not try to evade punishment. Evading punishment only makes it worse.

  • You are not allowed to share/sell accounts with LC points/ranks. If your account is hacked, report it to us so we can take action.

  • Follow orders from your superiors and be respectful to your fellow players. Don’t act like you’re the boss of the game.


Leif Corporation has events to recieve points and ranks. All listed below are OFFICIAL events of Leif Corporation and will get you points/ranks. are otherwise not specified in other sections of the handbook.


Events hosted regularly. Will get you a promotion to Tier 1, and get you about 50 points. Tier 2+ MUST TAKE A TIER EVALUATION TO GET PROMOTED. Hosted by Special Defense+.

Tier Evaluation

Required for Tier 2+ to recieve a promotion. Gives about 30 points for a pass, 10 for a fail. Final amount of points is up to the Host. Hosted by Special Defense+.


A chance to get a special Tournament Winner tag in-game if you win! Expect to get 10 points if you lose, 50 points for second place, and 100 points for first place (win). Hosted by Trainer+.


Have fun protecting the Security Building from getting bombed by the Raiders! You have 5 minutes to guard the security building from the raiders. Winning points - 50, losing points - 10. Hosted by Special Defense+.

Raid Reponse

Protect Leif Corp Hub from getting raided! 5 points for winning, 0 points for losing. Hosted by Elite Tier+. Reminder: Official event of RAIDERS, not LC.

Special Training

A regular training… with a twist! Expect hard obbies, that make you get 50 points for winning, 15 points for losing.

MEGA Events:

MEGA Training

A huge training, with lots of people! Expect 100 points for winning, 50 points for losing. Hosted by BOD+.

MEGA Tournament

A huge tournament, with lots of people! Expect 100 points for winning, 50 points for losing, a special “LC Honors: MEGA Tournament Winner” tag in-game. Hosted by Board of Directors+.

LC High Ranks do not have hardcore activity requirements, however, it is still expected of them to still let other HRs know if they go inactive for a certain amount of time.

Special Defense+ still cannot go inactive for 2+ months (as an example) and not be on a Known Absence. They will just be demoted after a while.

BODs are allowed to wear anything whilst on-duty for LC. If it is during events, the BOD must inform the event host. On top of that, they have access to all loadouts and can use them if they want to. HOWEVER, like everyone else, they still need to follow the other handbook rules.


Leif Corporation has ranks and points with different responsibilities. Below are the official ranks of LC.


Automatically given to players joining the group, no points required.

  • LC Baton - A weak baton.
  • LC Shield - A weak shield.
Tier 1

25 points required, and a Training.
*LC Shotgun - A shotgun that can stun zombies, nothing else.
*LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.

Tier 2

100 points required, and a Tier Evaluation (T2.)

  • LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
  • LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.
Tier 3

200 points required, Special Defense+ handpick for evaluation, and a Tier Evaluation (T3).
*LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
*LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.
*LC Rifle - A powerful Rifle, given to Tier 3+.

Elite Tier

450 points required, Trainer+ Handpick for Evaluation, Evaluation (ET+).
*LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
*LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.
*LC Rifle - A powerful Rifle, given to Tier 3+.
*UPG Pistol - A pistol.

Special Defense

The first HR rank in LC, is allowed to host Trainings, etc.
*LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
*LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.
*LC Rifle - A powerful Rifle, given to Tier 3+.
*UPG Pistol - A pistol.


The second HR rank within LC, has to pass a majority vote from the current trainers to become one, can host almost all events.
*LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
*LC Pistol - A pistol that can do damage.
*LC Rifle - A powerful Rifle, given to Tier 3+.
*UPG Pistol - A pistol.
*UPG Rifle - A Rifle.
*Katana - A katana.


The fourth highest rank in LC, is in charge of the Trainers and below. You must be handpicked by leifyleifyleify9 to become one.
*LC SMG - A powerful SMG, given to Tier 2+.
*LC Rifle - A powerful Rifle, given to Tier 3+.
*Rocket Launcher - A powerful weapon.
*Antimatter Rifle - Top secret.

Board of Directors

Submit and pass the applications (when open). Must be leifyleifyleify9’s roblox friend for 2 years or more.
Darkmatter Pistol - A one-shot Pistol.
Darkmatter SMG - A one-shot SMG.
Darkmatter Rifle - A one-shot Rifle.
Darkmatter Energy Sword - A sword that uses darkmatter.
Rocket Launcher - A powerful weapon.
Katana - A katana.

                             Going On-Duty

In order to properly be recognized as LC, you must fulfill these specific requirements.

  • A LC ranktag (!setgroup LC)
    *A PBST uniform (until we get our own).

  • Any individual with just one of these requirements is not on-duty for LC and is considered a neutral person. Do not harass visitors about getting a uniform/ranktag in order to be on-duty for LC.

  • While off-duty, you MAY NOT possess LC weapons. Failure to will result in consquences.

                             Important Info

The following information is information not listed in other sections of the handbook.

Weapon Use

Be very sure to use your weapons responsibly while on duty. Do not use LC Weapons to randomly kill players AT ALL, unless you have a direct order from Admin+.

You also can not use tools & weapons from other places. Make sure they’re not in your inventory, we check. BOD+ is allowed to completely violate this rule, at any time. If you have a BOD complaint, tell the Owner.

Moderation System

If you have any questions, ask Blaze, BOD (Head of Moderation).
Lists of bans:

  • 2 hour ban
  • 7 hour ban
  • 1 day ban
  • 3 day ban
  • 7 day ban
  • 1 month ban
  • 3 month ban
  • Perm ban
    2 warnings will result in a 7 hour ban, and it goes up.

The following terms are OFFICIAL.

  • LC - Leif Corporation
  • LCH - Leif Corp Hub
  • OP - The Opposition

Event Acronyms

  • STS - Shoulder to Shoulder
  • SFL - Single File Line
  • March - Walk
  • OTB - On The Bus
  • RK - Random Killing
  • KOS - Kill on Sight

Kill on Sight (KOS) is a term to immediately kill someone who is on KOS, on sight. Guidelines for KOS:

  • A player is on KOS if they break event rules. DO NOT treat everybody as on KOS. Reminder: People on your own team can be put on KOS. You must kill them also.
  • KOS is an official term given to people who are breaking the rules, not for the sake of the event.
Room Restrictions

Doors are regularly locked to certain roles and above. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO glitch into these rooms, etc. Failure to comply will result in a KOS (if event), and 2 warnings.

Fire Alarm Restrictions

The Fire Alarm System in Leif Corp Hub (LCH) is a system that is used in roleplays (RPs). If this system is used incorrectly, consquences can occur.

  • First Offense: 1 warning.
  • Second Offense: 2 warnings, 7 hour ban.

Further consquences are increased.

Elite Tier+ Maturity Check

Before being promoted to Elite Tier+, your maturity will be checked to ensure you are ready for a higher position. If you fail the maturity check, you will be demoted to Tier 1.

  • The check is performed by an Admin+.

Duels are allowed with weapons that the higher ranking person in the duel has access to. It must be performed with 2 people or more. It may not interrupt other events, or be involved in RK (Random Killing).

Illegitimate Points

If a HR+ gives ANYBODY points that they are not supposed to have or have not earned it yet, the person’s points will be COMPLETELY RESET, and the HR will be demoted to Fan.

  • Anybody else involved in it will get consequences that are neccessary.
Revenge Killing

You are not allowed to kill anybody who is not a threat anymore, as from another event or eariler in the current event.

Admin Abuse

Any person suspected to be abusing admin will be subject to consquences, decided by the Head of Moderation.

  • The first offense will be a warning.
  • The second offense will be a 1 day ban.
  • All offenses further will be more consquences and more bans.
  • If you abuse admin as a Admin+, you will be demoted and revoked of your admin.
                              Hosting Rules

All hosts regardless of rank are expected to follow the hosting rules. Seen below are every hosting rule:

Hosting rules for Elite Tier and above:

  • An ET+ may host one LC event every thirty minutes.
  • LC events may not overlap other LC events.
  • LC events must have a one-hour gap between other LC events.
  • An ET+ may schedule an event up to three weeks in advance.
  • Response events (OP) are exempt from all aforementioned rules

Trainers+ may be consulted for case-by-case exemptions to hosting rules.


Have you proven to be a very awesome member of LC? You might be eligible for one of these awards!

  • Defender of the Month, an award given to the best defender in LC of the month. Winner is selected by an Admin+.

  • LC Honors: MEGA Tournament Winner, an award given to a winner of a MEGA Tournament! Selected after a MEGA Tournament. Winner is selected by a BOD+.

  • Patrol Bonus, a award given out to the best player on each side, Raiders and LC, in a Raid or Patrol. Decided by your side’s leader, recieves extra points.

  • Tournament Winner. Won a Tournament? You will get this award! A special tag in-game, and extra points! You should be proud of yourself. Winner is selected by Host.

                                  Groups you might encounter
The Opposition (OP)

A raid group of LC. You will see them often trying to cause chaos, so try and stop them! They are NOT AN OFFICIAL raid group of LC.

This handbook is always a work in progress and will evolve as time goes on.

Signed, The Admins, BODS, Co-Owners, Owner

Published 03/01/2025. February: Current.