Lemón | Private Modules

Private Modules

The private modules were used to protect a code, this code may be used by calling a function (require) that allowed a script to call and trigger the private module function. Today, Febrary 1st of 2019, @Roblox and the development relations team has removed the private module property. By doing this many big companies that offered free and/or paid services have stop working and will shutdown. These companies used private modules to allow “loader” type scripts call and trkgger certain functions based on its own code and the private module code. Terabyte Services, anti - exploiters, admin models have been forced to shutdown or either provide any type of help to the community to allow the scripts work.

Impacts over Lemón

  1. As Terabyte Services has shutdown, our application center have suffered several damages that are not being repaired unless the Private Modules return.
  2. The current admin model we are using (Adonis Admin) may suffer outages since private modules totally supported its function. Our executive and development team will be working to let the Admin functioning.
  3. :title, :kitchen and :nametag command will not be working until the admin model fully works.

These are barely the main impacts that Lemón will face. We beg you to understand us, if you have any comment or solution to any of the main impacts we will be glad to see them. To send one, message iSt_xrm#3096.

Thank you,
Lemón Executive & Development Team



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