Lerp animation won't work

I’ve typed out the system but the thing is that aiming down sights is refusing to work.
when ever the button is clicked the script will fire but the gun will not move at all

here’s the local script

	if weaponModules:FindFirstChild(child.Name) then
			child.AimPart.CFrame = child.AimPart.CFrame:Lerp(vm.CameraBone.CFrame, game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.AimAlpha.Value)

I can’t really tell, does it reach the last line? Also try using tween service, lerp is just a raw math function, tween might help you.

are you experiencing any errors?

Yes, ive tried to print the Cframe of bone too, it changes but the gun for somehow is frozen

This is because your gun is probably a tool that is set to ur hand, try using animations instead.

It’s a model, however it’s welded to the player’s hand

If animations dont work, try to use animations while the gun is a tool