This is probably a Very Simple thing to fix.
I am trying to Lerp a Model to the Camera, but its not Positioning where I want it to, I tried other methods but it doesn’t seem to work, which is odd because I had it working before.
Note that I do not want TweenService, I prefer a Linear Approach which is CFrame:Lerp()
Both don’t work for some reason.
Any Idea’s?
config is a ModuleScript config.Camera is workspace.CurrentCamera config.OffCF (meaning OffsetCFrame) is the Offset from the Camera (or Current CFrame)
What do you mean anchoring the primary part doesn’t work? If you don’t anchor it, you can’t use that method. You should make a new invisible part that is the base of the model. Just like HumanoidRootPart. Then set the primary part of the model to that part and tween IT.
You should consider adding a wait or use a loop instead of prerender. It fires extremely frequently, and that may be why. I seriously recommend just using TweenService.
I don’t understand what’s wrong with TweenService. I don’t understand a “linear approach” is.
Of course I understand what RunService.RenderStepped does. But I also understand how fast it goes. You’re executing that line of code every render step, your model will move extremely fast, and you probably won’t achieve the effect you want.