Let There Be (Unified) Light! Unified Lighting Enters Studio Beta

I LOVE to see some nice updates to lighting. About time Roblox gets some upgrades to its lighting.

YESS!! YES!!! I’ve been waiting for an update to this specifically for years and I cannot wait for it to finally arrive soon, ESPECIALLY the light falloff.

I cannot wait for the full release all of these updates!


I definitely agree with the new range of control!!! Although now I am over here PRAYING that

not working is just a studio bug and we’ll get a post saying “hey, try it now”!

…Or I am just on a lot of copium and it’s referring to the lights disappearing at a long distance (which, hey, still a plus!)


I’m pretty sure it’s what we all think it is, but a lot of people including myself missed the “This new system also sets the stage for future lighting enhancements. Here’s what we’re working on next:” directly above it, it seems


I presume that:

Illuminate larger areas

Means that light ranges will actually be increased. I’m hopeful.


please bless us with volumetric lighting this year


I hope there will be an emphasis on preserving lighting between graphics settings, because currently lighting can become drastically different depending on the player’s device.

(Graphics Level 10)

(Graphics Level 1)


THANK. YOU. :pray:

These can’t come soon enough.
No more lights with a bunch of attachments so they reach the floor. No more decreasing the size of open spaces to avoid the pain of lighting them. On top of that, a solution to the extremely noticeable light falloff that’s plagued me for years… it’s like a dream.


About time, its way overdue for this to be extended


Gotta Say I been waiting for this for a long time!
Although I will say I’d like to see Light Cookies for Spotlights and Surfacelights and maybe Pointlights.
PLS ADD AO (Ambient Occlusion) Adjustment in lighting settings because AO is so weak with future lighting PLS Roblox this would be the perfect time to add just these 2 features that would transform any experience on Roblox to something marvelous.


I dont know what is going on, but roblox keeps releasing back to back top tier updates, thank you roblox



Welp, let this be a stage for reminding ourselves to proof-read, guess all we gotta do now is wait!


more graphics options would be nice, like being able to adjust LODs and stuff


How “enhanced” will falloff settings be? Would it be similiar to Godot or Unreal, or would it follow same principle as AudioAttenuation (user-defined curve)? And what light range cap is planned to be set in the future?
I’m absolutely looking forward for improvements, current lighting system is a FOSSIL that is simply not fun to play with (esp bc of light range and other issues), it’s not designed for modern Roblox.
Glad Unified lighting wasn’t for nothing. Hopefully this brings direct improvements in the future.


Really excited to see this being rolled out. I wonder if we’ll see more support for different post-processing effects in the future, such as motion blur, or custom scriptable shaders?


Oh my god :astonished: THIS IS AWESOME TO SEE!


And people said that increased light ranges would be impossible…


would probably never happen sadly but we can always keep our hopes up




Yes!! i hope the LightingStyle property opens the door for more lighting settings like a Flat shading setting (similar to Blender’s), or maybe something that would be more resemblant to the 2013 or so lighting system , there’s been a lot more stylized games popping up and making it easier to achieve specific lighting effects without needing hacky workarounds would be amazing!

Super excited over the mention that increased light ranges are in the roadmap for later, as a person who deals with cars on roblox a lot, night driving and racing has often been awful due to how hard it can be to see when the night goes dark…

On the topic of night lighting, i also hope the attention to lighting could help the weird time of day issue being addressed where from one clocktime to the other the game’s lighting goes from dark to bright for some reason, images related (this is on a New Baseplate with the default lighting settings, on max graphics), this issue makes games with smooth time cycles very … weird, because if there is no workaround in play to counteract this specific issue, then it just snaps to brightness at random for seemingly no reason (the only workaround i’ve been able to find is to just set the brightness to 0, which is not really convenient in my honest opinion)

(for reference, on the default baseplate, this happens in the transition from 19.27 to 19.28, and the transition from 4.72 to 4.73)

still, super excited for what’s to come!!!


In my opinion, it is the best change to the lighting engine so far. I’ve been struggling with lighting.