Simple, chunky shadows and it’s currently the only lighting technology that has different shadow darkness depending on how much light shines through an object!
This technology is extremely important for games where low-poly and PSX-styled graphics are desired.
Removing this technology would limit the ways I could stylize my lighting since there is no way to set shadow resolution manually either or through script.
This bit of lighting technology was VERY important to me and is important for a few future projects where I specifically want this style of lighting.
Fortunately it seems like voxel lighting is still accessible, although the settings for getting it aren’t exactly straight forward and requires you to change 2 options.
Set style > Soft
Prioritize quality > Off.
To be perfectly honest, I do find this an rather confusing way to achieve voxel lights.
Weirdly enough, I’m slightly dissatisfied. Like, it’s generally great, but it could be much more.
What would make this amazing is if we had granular control over the looks of our games, with the presets being there for ease of use. If I could choose to have part shadows without sun shadows, that would be great. I’d love to have control over my game’s visual style to a much greater degree than the presets offer.
Really excited to hear that increased range for dynamic lights + improved light attenuation is coming!! This will really help create realistic lighting scenes in realism-focused games. The first things I will create when this comes out are better vehicle headlights and large area flood lights.
PS- I love how we can now prioritize lighting quality! I think this will make games feel more realistic which is what I usually aim for. However, I know there are a wide range of machines that Roblox players play on. Some lower end devices would benefit if the priority setting could be turned off only for low end devices, while high end devices get the full high quality benefits capable on their machines.
I believe they would be able to get it to 300ish, as during an old Future is Bright Beta I had someone I know manage to get it to 300 studs before it turned to Voxel lighting.
Maybe that’s asking too much, but when will we get more quality lighting features like ray tracing, face reflections, or dynamic shadows that change color depending on the overlying object and blur with distance?
If these properties are not scriptable due to the fact its not possible to switch lighting engines while the client is running, Could we at least get a way to set these properties before the game runs or something like that.
The reason I am asking is because some games might want to have this as a setting you can toggle, and you restart your game to apply it.
THIS. Voxel shouldn’t be removed purely for this aspect. It’s a lightweight lighting technology that has its specific use cases and can look really nice if done correctly
I’m pretty sure you can achieve the voxel equivalent by having your lighting set up like this (or at least i don’t really notice a difference to voxel when comparing both)
this does however remind me that shadows still don’t consider object transparency when being calculated, i don’t know if they aren’t due to performance issues or just because they haven’t even tried to before, but it’s still a big part of lighting in many situations
Not bad changes, i do like the improved transition between future and voxel lighting. Though this new unified lighting causes some weird lighting bugs such as how lights will simply turn themselves off when too far away from the camera (even if the light itself is still within range), heres a clip of that:
This issue basically breaks the visuals of a couple of my places and the only fix would be to create more smaller lights.
Though honestly, would a more manual approach for lights not be better? ESPECIALLY these days? Why not allow us to set the render distance on a per instance basis? Why not let us select if lights can use per pixel lighting or voxel?
I like updates that improve customization. It was hard to see the difference at first but it looks like objects that are quite far from the camera retain better lighting. Very good update.
It would be great if PrioritizeLightingQuality was a player exposed setting that defaulted to whatever the developer has set, and allow users to change it kinda like how camera mode can have a default and/or hard setting.