Lets talk about "Tables "

Hello again, do you guys know a site or tutorial to learn tables or just explain it or just both, thank you

roblox documentation is your new best friend

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nah i mean the Keyword table

Please use the documentation. Please. PLEASE

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Alr thank you for linking it, i didnt found it (dont ask why)

Your sound like its annoy you, that i ask those thinks, am i right?

What troubles me is that you don’t search around enough. By using Google, you can get 90% of times the answer to your question. Look:

“what is table library roblox”

It seems to be in French, but deleting the “/fr-fr” in the webpage link will translate it back into English. Do research man, that’s how you learn.

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On another note,

Also use Google. It has the answers. And since we’re a community, try not to be so… direct? You could’ve said instead “What are the differences between using DataStore and DataStore2?”.

Boy, my 2 braincells cant read this. For me its pretty weirs to read. so im asking for simple solutions

If you want to make good code then your 2 braincells will have to multiply a few times

If you want to help me just say it 1 time and or stop reply on my questions if its annoy you, it looks like you want to make stress or smth

Na bro I just want to teach you research, nothin wrong with that

yeah nothing wrong ik. I just want to go more specific to my problem, is there anything wrong or what?

No, but the usual way to go is you do some searching around for your issue. If you can’t find anything or REALLY REALLY don’t understand the solution, then ask around.

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What do you think im doing?

fr now just leave the topic i dont want to waste my time by learning how to search

i gave your post the solution badge this topic is closed send me just a message instead of try to do what your current doing

bro if you want to talk to a person that knows everything possible to know just use an ai like ChatGPT lmao