so i have a level system and a save system but i need to figure out how to update the values of things like the levels on the server so it can save here’s the code

so i have a level system and a save system but i need to figure out how to update the values of things like the levels on the server so it can save here’s the code
are you trying to load the players data ?
yes, i it save when they leave then load the data when the player joins
you can use getasync to get players data if it returns nil than you should load default players data because that means player has no data also i suggest using retry logic incase if it fails for the first time
you can also use profile service for handling data too
the issue has nothing to do with the data store it’s that it updates on the clients side when their level changes but i need to update it on the servers side
use remotes and have client communicate with server and validate data sent from client on server so it cant be exploited and do the updating on server