Level up system with Datastore?

Hi everyone! :slight_smile:

How can I make a simple level up system, with a GUI, and a Database?
I don’t have any ideas how can I start to make a level up system :confused:

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Please search for the Topic before you make a Topic. There are many different tutorials on how to do it

Here’s a good tutorial I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szZ-W-IZPng


First create level with the help of helpful roblox dev wiki found here In-Experience Leaderboards | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
datastore is a little bit more advanced but if you want to learn about it I recommend looking on youtube tutorials or here Data Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Gui is pretty easy just make a screengui>frame>textlabel and put in a localscript in it with something like this

local level = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.level

	script.Parent.Text = level.Value

Play around with each of these until you get a hang of it.

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First you need to set up the database. This tutorial by AlvinBlox should help you with that

After that, you just need to make a number Value (Which will be the level), and then make a script that adds +1 everytime the character is supposed to level up.

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