local LevelModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.LevelModule)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local tempData = ReplicatedStorage.tempData
local remotes = ReplicatedStorage.remotes
local bindable = ReplicatedStorage.bindable
local employeeCost = require(tempData.employeeCost)
local upgrades = game.ReplicatedStorage.upgrades
local updateOwned = remotes.updateOwned
local updatePrice = remotes.updatePrice
local coinStats = remotes.updateCoinStats
local retrieveOwned = bindable.retrieveOwned
local purchased = bindable.purchased
local upgradeActivated = remotes.upgradeActivated
local SaveEXP = bindable.SaveEXP
--This script handles everything related to employee shop.
--It handles the purchasing and the updating of the owned number.
upgradeActivated.OnServerInvoke = function(player, Name)
--print("Something is being purchase!")
local ownedprev = retrieveOwned:Invoke(player, Name) -- retrieve the number owned on the server side.
local baseCost = employeeCost.defaultEmployee[tostring(Name)]
local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
local coins = leaderstats.Coins
if(coins.Value >= LevelModule.newCost(baseCost, ownedprev)) then
local amount = LevelModule.newCost(baseCost, ownedprev)
local success = purchased:Invoke(player, amount, Name)
if success then
local ownedafter = retrieveOwned:Invoke(player, Name)
if ownedafter == 1 then
print("EXP is being given for new employees.")
local exp_gained = LevelModule.exp_earned(amount, 20)
SaveEXP:Fire(player, exp_gained) -- increase EXP value of user
print("SaveEXP fired!!")
-- we also need to check if we need to level up!
local getEXP = bindable.returnEXP:Invoke(player)
if(LevelModule.levelCheck(getEXP, leaderstats.Level.Value)) then
--print("Level check occurring.")
--check if levelling up should occur.
local EXP_Thresh = 25 * math.pow(leaderstats.Level.Value, 2)
bindable.levelUp:Fire(player, EXP_Thresh) -- levels up user
print("EXP is being given for old employees.")
local exp_gained = LevelModule.exp_earned(amount, 50)
SaveEXP:Fire(player, exp_gained) -- increase EXP value of user
print("SaveEXP fired!!")
local getEXP = bindable.returnEXP:Invoke(player)
if(LevelModule.levelCheck(getEXP, leaderstats.Level.Value)) then
--check if levelling up should occur.
--print("Level check occurring.")
local EXP_Thresh = 25 * math.pow(leaderstats.Level.Value, 2)
bindable.levelUp:Fire(player, EXP_Thresh) -- levels up user
updatePrice:FireClient(player,Name) -- updates the price of item.
coinStats:FireClient(player) --fire update coins to update coin stats.
print(ownedafter.. Name.. " hired.")
return nil
return "Purchase not successful."
print("Not enough coins.")
return "You need more coins."
So I am creating a clicker game where the user will earn a lot of EXP when they initially purchase an upgrade and less EXP when they purchase an EXP of user. This part is working. I also wanted to check to make sure if user gains enough EXP, they level up! This part is not working. I was debugging the code and realize the program was looking at the previous EXP value. For example, if I had 25 EXP now, the code would say that I only have 18 EXP ( the number prior to gaining more EXP). Anyone know why this is happening? This is preventing me from levelling up the user on time!