LevelUI is a bit weird

So Im currently working on a LevelSystem. It works totally fine but I have one problem. When the player has like 1XP, the bar at the beginning is not looking like it should be because scaling is messing it up. Its hard to explain, Im so sorry. You will see it on the pictures.
This is not good:

How it should look (but in smaller):


  • Levels is the MainFrame of the hole thing
  • Bar is the Green Bar I want to scale smale without looking weird
  • Deco, Deco, Exp, and Level are unimportant

Iā€™d say use a UIGradient and set the beginning of the colorsequence to green, then you can have a green and a white at the same time position moving up with progression.

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Hm ok but is there any other way?

No other way that I know of, sorry.