I am trying to animate a lever using TweenService, and I welded the lever onto a part which will act as a pivot point. The tweening locations are only 60 degrees apart, and this weird behaviour happens but the lever is not affected at all.
These are the tweens used. I only used :Play() and there is nothing else to it.
local tweeninfo = TweenInfo.new(0.4,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0)
local tween = ts:Create(leverP,tweeninfo,{Rotation = Vector3.new(0,180,-30)})
local tween2 = ts:Create(leverP,tweeninfo,{Rotation = Vector3.new(0,180,30)})
pivot is anchored and the lever is unanchored and they’re welded by a WeldConstraint. for some reason when i click the lever it and the pivot point disappears???/
so the only solution that ended up working for me is making a new part entirely, and tweening to the cframe of that part. when wanting to reverse it, I stored the cframe before ever making the tweens so i could go back to that cframe whenever i needed to.