Leviathans And Dark Leviathans Law

The Fire Rises.

Written Into Law In 2019 By MoNaYLeviathan

Here to secure a DL division across the internet and to fight corruption, evil and any who think they can stop us, we are arising. We do not fear death and we do not cower in life.

We roam the lands of Leviathans and distant realms of the universe. We are now are reborn from the ashes of the past, and now the Dark Leviathan calls you all to gather together as we rise.

We achieve honor through battle, find strength within and truth beyond. Our enemy is evil darkness, weakness and corruption, and the power we command is fire, honor and courage. We will not be stopped.

Our ultimate purpose is to create an untouchable safe haven for the mighty and the great and begin anew civilization. We are the future.

Any who wish to rise up and be included in the Dark Prime Objective, contact Leviathans Power, Vexolence or MoNaYLeviathan and submit a resume of your talents and achievements.

We are flame and fire. We serve no one. We bow to no one.

We are the true Dark Leviathans.

Dark Leviathans Roblox: Dark Leviathans - Roblox

Dark Leviathans Gaming Youtube Channel:

Dark Leviathans Gaming - YouTube

Original Leviathans Roblox: Leviathans - Roblox

Leviathans Gaming Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdMH6C3pU_x_bUIcS3bpgqQ

Make sure you expand the dropdowns and read all the information.

Dark Leviathans Values:

DL Values

Fire and Freedom.

Honor and Truth.

Courage and Strength.

Obligation and Duty.

Creation and Ingenuity.

Balance and Justice.

Roblox Specific DL Rules:

Roblox Rules

No Robux scams.

No begging for Robux.

No demanding or begging for a higher rank. You’ll get it once you’ve earned it. Likewise do not join with only the purpose of achieving a high rank in mind. If you are truly dedicated, it won’t matter what rank you are. Begging for promotions may get you demoted.

No demanding entry into other divisions of Leviathans on the internet. You may ask and provide reasons why you believe you have earned the right to them, but you may not demand it.

No advertising your group, or items in Leviathans or Dark Leviathans ever. However if you have creations which you’ve spent a lot of time on and would like to show off, then you may post a link to that. But do not attempt to use Leviathans or Dark Leviathans as a form of advertising for yourself.

No spying for enemies.

No betrayals or backstabbing. If you have been found to have done this, your punishment may be severe.

No lies or deceit of any kind. All too often these days is honesty thrown out the window for a plethora of petty reasons. But none of them justify lying, and in this day in age it is more impressive to be truthful than to lie or prevaricate.

No leaving without any reason or explanation. If you can no longer work for Dark Leviathans, then explain why to the Dark Leviathan or some of the highest ranks. We understand that things change and that you can’t always dedicate your life to some group on the internet. However good communication is paramount and will get you far.

No claims without proof. If you have finished Prime Course, then you must have the badges the prove it. Same goes with battle scores or anything else.

No exploiting of any kind anywhere. If you are caught you will be demoted or worse.

No attempts to get others to leave, trash-talking of the group or lying to others about the group. We strive to be as pure and civil and honorable as possible, and if you wish to undermine us, then you will be caught, you will be found, and you will pay.

No subversion. If you are just an enemy joining to cause destruction, than you will be dealt with in the usual manner.

Any of these violations will result in instant and permanent exile.

Expectations for those serious about bettering themselves and contributing to Leviathans and Dark Leviathans:


Use common sense. Do not spam, do not engage in immature activities, keep it professional, use proper grammar and avoid sloppiness. Do not bait or troll anyone; do not denigrate the good name of Leviathans and Dark Leviathans. Don’t invite people who you believe to be immature or obnoxious. Always be polite but truthful, stick to your duties and abide by the Leviathans Law. Help out by recruiting good new members, spreading the word and name of Leviathans and assisting in any other ways you can.

Anything else not mentioned here that you believe you can get away with due to it potentially being a “loophole” of some sort, will earn you a demotion or even a kick from DL if practiced. This should all go without saying, and should not ever be an issue, however it is stated plainly here so that there can be no question about the Leviathans Law. This may all come across as stern however it is necessary. We want to have fun, play games, create games, videos and other projects, be productive and outshine the masses and rise.

And we will.

Roblox Rank Up Requirements:

  • Be a member of both Leviathans and Dark Leviathans and read the Leviathans Law.
  • Be mature and respectful, truthful and honorable and show dedication to DL.
  • Complete Prime Course. The more bonus paths of Prime Course you have completed, the better your chances of promotion.
  • Purchase at least one full set of Dark Leviathans Armor Uniforms.
  • Recruit new members, invite your friends and gather more people to be a part of our new society.
  • Assist Dark Leviathans in as many ways as you can. Present your talents and skills and request tasks from DL high ranks and complete them efficiently.
  • Attend Dark Leviathans meetings, training sessions and events. Be as active as you can, though if you are busy with things in life, that is acceptable. Just make sure to inform the DL high ranks of your absence prior to any events.

Do this and you will arise.

Thank you all for reading the rules and the law!

Long live Leviathans and Dark Leviathans!

Let the rising begin!

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