Lexer for RBX Lua

I was looking for a lexer which was not part of a lua compiler. I was thinking of writing my own and started even doing so but thank god I found this. Now I just need to write a parser for it. But thank you! :smiley:

This is very useful! This might seem like a stupid question, but why use _ before some properties of the nav object (_RealIndex, _UserIndex and _ScanThread) but not in others (Source, TokenCache)?

Also in the Api & Usage section there’s a typo.

Fixed, thanks for catching that!

It’s general practice to use a _ prefix to denote “private” values. That is to say, when you use the nav object, you shouldn’t ever be directly interacting with nav._ScanThread, because you risk breaking the nav if you alter it. Those values as used internally by the object itself, but aren’t recommended to be used by the higher level.
Source and TokenCache are “public” because I’ve found it’s useful to check what source is currently active and to directly index a token at a specific place (ex: checking the first token).


Hey guys! I’ve continued working on this!

I’ve refactored it (no more coroutines or return function list) and added contextual tokenizing (os.clock() will highlight clock as a builtin, and myThing.spawn() will no longer highlight spawn as the builtin function).

I’ve also released a highlighter module to go with this lexer! It uses RichText labels to highlight the code based on the tokens the lexer spits out.

Rather than continue to post into this obscure thread, I’ve opened a GitHub repository for it:


Lexer is breaking down code into different segments, often referred to as tokens according to token types (example keywords, operators, strings, brackets) and other criteria. This is used to parse, analyze, highlight and evaluate code syntax.

I like it. This lexer version is much more cleaner and understandable, I really didn’t like the coroutines that you were previously using. Hopefully with that change you will be able to add the newer and more complex syntax highlighting for methods, function names, properties and others that Luau has got in Studio. Good job!

Also, since it’s a GitHub repo, will other developers be able to contribute to this project as well?


Contribution is welcome! I will likely be adding more features as well. You can also open GitHub issues with suggestions/requests/problems!


Hey, I was wondering how you show this in a textbox so that the user can copy and paste it? Or is that not something this can be used for? If not then I’m still not sure how to even show it in a textlabel. :man_shrugging:

You can have a textbox, but the highlighted text has to be in a separate textlabel. Then just update the textlabel’s highlighting every time. the player inputs some text into the textbox. You could have the textlabel overlap the textbox or just put it next to it.

Ok, but I still have no clue how I use this, would you happen to know?

Do you want to know about the lexer or the highlighter?

The one that makes it looks like you’re looking at a script. Like changing print(“Hello World”) to what it would look like in an actual script.

1 Like

This is the StarterGui Hierarchy i used

Schermafbeelding 2022-05-28 om 12.42.53

the module scripts are all located inside the github page that boatbomber has made.
Inside the Test local script i put this:

and this is what the GUI itself looks like:

I turned the property called “MultiLine” inside the TextBox on. (The textbox is the bottom gray line in the screen) Then when you click out of the textbox after typing something in, it will automatically put the highlighted text in the middle textlabel. Also, don’t mind the “print(‘Hello World’)” inside the text label, you don’t have to put that into the textlabel.

Also, the module script called “language” has a typo at line 26. There is a missing comma that you have to add, else it will fail to load.

I got an error saying Players.Wildcutepenguin.PlayerGui.BlocksGui.Highlighter:24: invalid argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got Instance)

Edit: Sorry I just forgot to add something in the brackets, but now it’s giving me this instead. :arrow_up:

1 Like

Does your code look like this?


local Lexer = require(script.lexer)

local TokenColors = {}
local TokenFormats = {}
local ActiveLabels = {}
local LastText = {}
local Cleanups = {}

local function SanitizeRichText(s: string): string
	return string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(s,
		"&", "&"),
		"<", "&lt;"),
		">", "&gt;"),
		"\"", "&quot;"),
		"'", "&apos;"

local function SanitizeTabs(s: string): string
	return string.gsub(s, "\t", "    ")

local function SanitizeControl(s: string): string
	return string.gsub(s, "[\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\18\19\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\28\29\30\31]+", "")

local function highlight(textObject: Instance, src: string?, forceUpdate: boolean?)
	src = SanitizeTabs(SanitizeControl(src or textObject.Text))
	if forceUpdate ~= true and LastText[textObject] == src then
	LastText[textObject] = src

	textObject.RichText = false
	textObject.Text = src
	textObject.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
	textObject.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
	textObject.BackgroundColor3 = TokenColors.background
	textObject.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden
	textObject.TextTransparency = 0.5

	local lineFolder = textObject:FindFirstChild("SyntaxHighlights")
	if not lineFolder then
		lineFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
		lineFolder.Name = "SyntaxHighlights"
		lineFolder.Parent = textObject

	local _, numLines = string.gsub(src, "\n", "")
	numLines += 1

	local textHeight = textObject.TextBounds.Y/numLines

	local lineLabels = ActiveLabels[textObject]
	if not lineLabels then
		-- No existing lineLabels, create all new
		lineLabels = table.create(numLines)
		for i = 1, numLines do
			local lineLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
			lineLabel.Name = "Line_" .. i
			lineLabel.RichText = true
			lineLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
			lineLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
			lineLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
			lineLabel.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden
			lineLabel.Font = textObject.Font
			lineLabel.TextSize = textObject.TextSize
			lineLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, math.ceil(textHeight))
			lineLabel.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, textHeight * (i - 1) / textObject.AbsoluteSize.Y)
			lineLabel.Text = ""

			lineLabel.Parent = lineFolder
			lineLabels[i] = lineLabel
		for i=1, math.max(numLines, #lineLabels) do
			local label = lineLabels[i]
			if not label then
				label = Instance.new("TextLabel")
				label.Name = "Line_" .. i
				label.RichText = true
				label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
				label.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
				label.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
				label.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden
				label.Font = textObject.Font
				label.Parent = lineFolder
				lineLabels[i] = label

			label.Text = ""
			label.TextSize = textObject.TextSize
			label.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, math.ceil(textHeight))
			label.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, textHeight * (i - 1) / textObject.AbsoluteSize.Y)

	local richText, index, lineNumber = {}, 0, 1
	for token, content in Lexer.scan(src) do
		local Color = TokenColors[token] or TokenColors.iden

		local lines = string.split(SanitizeRichText(content), "\n")
		for l, line in ipairs(lines) do
			if l > 1 then
				-- Set line
				lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richText)
				-- Move to next line
				lineNumber += 1
				index = 0

			index += 1
			if Color ~= TokenColors.iden and string.find(line, "[%S%C]") then
				richText[index] = string.format(TokenFormats[token], line)
				richText[index] = line

	-- Set final line
	lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richText)

	ActiveLabels[textObject] = lineLabels

	local cleanup = Cleanups[textObject]
	if not cleanup then
		local connection

		cleanup = function()
			for _, label in ipairs(lineLabels) do

			ActiveLabels[textObject] = nil
			LastText[textObject] = nil
			Cleanups[textObject] = nil

			if connection then
		Cleanups[textObject] = cleanup

		connection = textObject.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
			if textObject.Parent then

	return cleanup

export type HighlighterColors = {
	background: Color3?,
	iden: Color3?,
	keyword: Color3?,
	builtin: Color3?,
	string: Color3?,
	number: Color3?,
	comment: Color3?,
	operator: Color3?

local function updateColors(colors: HighlighterColors?)
	-- Setup color data
	TokenColors.background = (colors and colors.background) or Color3.fromRGB(47, 47, 47)
	TokenColors.iden = (colors and colors.iden) or Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234)
	TokenColors.keyword = (colors and colors.keyword) or Color3.fromRGB(215, 174, 255)
	TokenColors.builtin = (colors and colors.builtin) or Color3.fromRGB(131, 206, 255)
	TokenColors.string = (colors and colors.string) or Color3.fromRGB(196, 255, 193)
	TokenColors.number = (colors and colors.number) or Color3.fromRGB(255, 125, 125)
	TokenColors.comment = (colors and colors.comment) or Color3.fromRGB(140, 140, 155)
	TokenColors.operator = (colors and colors.operator) or Color3.fromRGB(255, 239, 148)

	for key, color in pairs(TokenColors) do
		TokenFormats[key] = '<font color="#'
			.. string.format("%.2x%.2x%.2x", color.R * 255, color.G * 255, color.B * 255)
			.. '">%s</font>'

	-- Rehighlight existing labels using latest colors
	for label, lineLabels in pairs(ActiveLabels) do
		for _, lineLabel in ipairs(lineLabels) do
			lineLabel.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden
		highlight(label, label.Text, true)

return setmetatable({
	UpdateColors = updateColors,
	Highlight = highlight
}, {
	__call = function(_, textObject: Instance, src: string?)
		return highlight(textObject, src)


	Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from Lua source code.
	This is a heavily modified and Roblox-optimized version of
	the original Penlight Lexer module:
		stevedonovan <https://github.com/stevedonovan> ----------- Original Penlight lexer author
		ryanjmulder <https://github.com/ryanjmulder> ------------- Penlight lexer contributer
		mpeterv <https://github.com/mpeterv> --------------------- Penlight lexer contributer
		Tieske <https://github.com/Tieske> ----------------------- Penlight lexer contributer
		boatbomber <https://github.com/boatbomber> --------------- Roblox port, added builtin token,
		                                                           added patterns for incomplete syntax, bug fixes,
		                                                           behavior changes, token optimization, thread optimization
		                                                           Added lexer.navigator() for non-sequential reads
		Sleitnick <https://github.com/Sleitnick> ----------------- Roblox optimizations
		howmanysmall <https://github.com/howmanysmall> ----------- Lua + Roblox optimizations

	List of possible tokens:
		- iden
		- keyword
		- builtin
		- string
		- number
		- comment
		- operator

local lexer = {}

local Prefix, Suffix, Cleaner = "^[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]+"
local UNICODE = "[%z\x01-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]+"
local NUMBER_A = "0x[%da-fA-F]+"
local NUMBER_B = "%d+%.?%d*[eE][%+%-]?%d+"
local NUMBER_C = "%d+[%._]?[%d_eE]*"
local OPERATORS = "[:;<>/~%*%(%)%-={},%.#%^%+%%]+"
local BRACKETS = "[%[%]]+" -- needs to be separate pattern from other operators or it'll mess up multiline strings
local IDEN = "[%a_][%w_]*"
local STRING_EMPTY = "(['\"])%1" --Empty String
local STRING_PLAIN = "(['\"])[^\n]-([^\\]%1)" --TODO: Handle escaping escapes
local STRING_INCOMP_A = "(['\"]).-\n" --Incompleted String with next line
local STRING_INCOMP_B = "(['\"])[^\n]*" --Incompleted String without next line
local STRING_MULTI = "%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Multiline-String
local STRING_MULTI_INCOMP = "%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-String
local COMMENT_MULTI = "%-%-%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Completed Multiline-Comment
local COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP = "%-%-%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-Comment
local COMMENT_PLAIN = "%-%-.-\n" --Completed Singleline-Comment
local COMMENT_INCOMP = "%-%-.*" --Incompleted Singleline-Comment
-- local TYPED_VAR = ":%s*([%w%?%| \t]+%s*)" --Typed variable, parameter, function

local lang = require(script.language)
local lua_keyword = lang.keyword
local lua_builtin = lang.builtin
local lua_libraries = lang.libraries

local lua_matches = {
	-- Indentifiers
	{ Prefix .. IDEN .. Suffix, "var" },

	-- Numbers
	{ Prefix .. NUMBER_A .. Suffix, "number" },
	{ Prefix .. NUMBER_B .. Suffix, "number" },
	{ Prefix .. NUMBER_C .. Suffix, "number" },

	-- Strings
	{ Prefix .. STRING_EMPTY .. Suffix, "string" },
	{ Prefix .. STRING_PLAIN .. Suffix, "string" },
	{ Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_A .. Suffix, "string" },
	{ Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_B .. Suffix, "string" },
	{ Prefix .. STRING_MULTI .. Suffix, "string" },
	{ Prefix .. STRING_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "string" },

	-- Comments
	{ Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI .. Suffix, "comment" },
	{ Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" },
	{ Prefix .. COMMENT_PLAIN .. Suffix, "comment" },
	{ Prefix .. COMMENT_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" },

	-- Operators
	{ Prefix .. OPERATORS .. Suffix, "operator" },
	{ Prefix .. BRACKETS .. Suffix, "operator" },

	-- Unicode
	{ Prefix .. UNICODE .. Suffix, "iden" },

	-- Unknown
	{ "^.", "iden" },

--- Create a plain token iterator from a string.
-- @tparam string s a string.

function lexer.scan(s: string)
	-- local startTime = os.clock()
	lexer.finished = false

	local index = 1
	local sz = #s
	local p1, p2, p3, pT = "", "", "", ""

	return function()
		if index <= sz then
			for _, m in ipairs(lua_matches) do
				local i1, i2 = string.find(s, m[1], index)
				if i1 then
					local tok = string.sub(s, i1, i2)
					index = i2 + 1
					lexer.finished = index > sz
					--if lexer.finished then
					--	print((os.clock()-startTime)*1000, "ms")

					local t = m[2]
					local t2 = t

					-- Process t into t2
					if t == "var" then
						-- Since we merge spaces into the tok, we need to remove them
						-- in order to check the actual word it contains
						local cleanTok = string.gsub(tok, Cleaner, "")

						if lua_keyword[cleanTok] then
							t2 = "keyword"
						elseif lua_builtin[cleanTok] then
							t2 = "builtin"
							t2 = "iden"

						if string.find(p1, "%.[%s%c]*$") and pT ~= "comment" then
							-- The previous was a . so we need to special case indexing things
							local parent = string.gsub(p2, Cleaner, "")
							local lib = lua_libraries[parent]
							if lib and lib[cleanTok] and not string.find(p3, "%.[%s%c]*$") then
								-- Indexing a builtin lib with existing item, treat as a builtin
								t2 = "builtin"
								-- Indexing a non builtin, can't be treated as a keyword/builtin
								t2 = "iden"
							-- print("indexing",parent,"with",cleanTok,"as",t2)

					-- Record last 3 tokens for the indexing context check
					p3 = p2
					p2 = p1
					p1 = tok
					pT = t2
					return t2, tok

function lexer.navigator()
	local nav = {
		Source = "",
		TokenCache = table.create(50),

		_RealIndex = 0,
		_UserIndex = 0,
		_ScanThread = nil,

	function nav:Destroy()
		self.Source = nil
		self._RealIndex = nil
		self._UserIndex = nil
		self.TokenCache = nil
		self._ScanThread = nil

	function nav:SetSource(SourceString)
		self.Source = SourceString

		self._RealIndex = 0
		self._UserIndex = 0

		self._ScanThread = coroutine.create(function()
			for Token, Src in lexer.scan(self.Source) do
				self._RealIndex += 1
				self.TokenCache[self._RealIndex] = { Token, Src }
				coroutine.yield(Token, Src)

	function nav.Next()
		nav._UserIndex += 1

		if nav._RealIndex >= nav._UserIndex then
			-- Already scanned, return cached
			return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[nav._UserIndex])
			if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then
				-- Scan thread dead
				local success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread)
				if success and token then
					-- Scanned new data
					return token, src
					-- Lex completed

	function nav.Peek(PeekAmount)
		local GoalIndex = nav._UserIndex + PeekAmount

		if nav._RealIndex >= GoalIndex then
			-- Already scanned, return cached
			if GoalIndex > 0 then
				return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[GoalIndex])
				-- Invalid peek
			if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then
				-- Scan thread dead
				local IterationsAway = GoalIndex - nav._RealIndex

				local success, token, src = nil, nil, nil

				for _ = 1, IterationsAway do
					success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread)
					if not (success or token) then
						-- Lex completed

				return token, src

	return nav

return lexer


local language = {
	keyword = {
		["and"] = true,
		["break"] = true,
		["continue"] = true,
		["do"] = true,
		["else"] = true,
		["elseif"] = true,
		["end"] = true,
		["export"] = true,
		["false"] = true,
		["for"] = true,
		["function"] = true,
		["if"] = true,
		["in"] = true,
		["local"] = true,
		["nil"] = true,
		["not"] = true,
		["or"] = true,
		["repeat"] = true,
		["return"] = true,
		["self"] = true,
		["then"] = true,
		["true"] = true,
		["type"] = true,
		["typeof"] = true,
		["until"] = true,
		["while"] = true,

	builtin = {
		-- Luau Functions
		["assert"] = true,
		["error"] = true,
		["getfenv"] = true,
		["getmetatable"] = true,
		["ipairs"] = true,
		["loadstring"] = true,
		["newproxy"] = true,
		["next"] = true,
		["pairs"] = true,
		["pcall"] = true,
		["print"] = true,
		["rawequal"] = true,
		["rawget"] = true,
		["rawset"] = true,
		["select"] = true,
		["setfenv"] = true,
		["setmetatable"] = true,
		["tonumber"] = true,
		["tostring"] = true,
		["unpack"] = true,
		["xpcall"] = true,

		-- Luau Functions (Deprecated)
		["collectgarbage"] = true,

		-- Luau Variables
		["_G"] = true,
		["_VERSION"] = true,

		-- Luau Tables
		["bit32"] = true,
		["coroutine"] = true,
		["debug"] = true,
		["math"] = true,
		["os"] = true,
		["string"] = true,
		["table"] = true,
		["utf8"] = true,

		-- Roblox Functions
		["DebuggerManager"] = true,
		["delay"] = true,
		["gcinfo"] = true,
		["PluginManager"] = true,
		["require"] = true,
		["settings"] = true,
		["spawn"] = true,
		["tick"] = true,
		["time"] = true,
		["UserSettings"] = true,
		["wait"] = true,
		["warn"] = true,

		-- Roblox Functions (Deprecated)
		["Delay"] = true,
		["ElapsedTime"] = true,
		["elapsedTime"] = true,
		["printidentity"] = true,
		["Spawn"] = true,
		["Stats"] = true,
		["stats"] = true,
		["Version"] = true,
		["version"] = true,
		["Wait"] = true,
		["ypcall"] = true,

		-- Roblox Variables
		["File"] = true,
		["game"] = true,
		["plugin"] = true,
		["script"] = true,
		["shared"] = true,
		["workspace"] = true,

		-- Roblox Variables (Deprecated)
		["Game"] = true,
		["Workspace"] = true,

		-- Roblox Tables
		["Axes"] = true,
		["BrickColor"] = true,
		["CatalogSearchParams"] = true,
		["CFrame"] = true,
		["Color3"] = true,
		["ColorSequence"] = true,
		["ColorSequenceKeypoint"] = true,
		["DateTime"] = true,
		["DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo"] = true,
		["Enum"] = true,
		["Faces"] = true,
		["FloatCurveKey"] = true,
		["Font"] = true,
		["Instance"] = true,
		["NumberRange"] = true,
		["NumberSequence"] = true,
		["NumberSequenceKeypoint"] = true,
		["OverlapParams"] = true,
		["PathWaypoint"] = true,
		["PhysicalProperties"] = true,
		["Random"] = true,
		["Ray"] = true,
		["RaycastParams"] = true,
		["Rect"] = true,
		["Region3"] = true,
		["Region3int16"] = true,
		["RotationCurveKey"] = true,
		["task"] = true,
		["TweenInfo"] = true,
		["UDim"] = true,
		["UDim2"] = true,
		["Vector2"] = true,
		["Vector2int16"] = true,
		["Vector3"] = true,
		["Vector3int16"] = true,

	libraries = {

		-- Luau Libraries
		bit32 = {
			arshift = true,
			band = true,
			bnot = true,
			bor = true,
			btest = true,
			bxor = true,
			countlz = true,
			countrz = true,
			extract = true,
			lrotate = true,
			lshift = true,
			replace = true,
			rrotate = true,
			rshift = true,

		coroutine = {
			close = true,
			create = true,
			isyieldable = true,
			resume = true,
			running = true,
			status = true,
			wrap = true,
			yield = true,

		debug = {
			dumpheap = true,
			info = true,
			loadmodule = true,
			profilebegin = true,
			profileend = true,
			resetmemorycategory = true,
			setmemorycategory = true,
			traceback = true,

		math = {
			abs = true,
			acos = true,
			asin = true,
			atan2 = true,
			atan = true,
			ceil = true,
			clamp = true,
			cos = true,
			cosh = true,
			deg = true,
			exp = true,
			floor = true,
			fmod = true,
			frexp = true,
			ldexp = true,
			log10 = true,
			log = true,
			max = true,
			min = true,
			modf = true,
			noise = true,
			pow = true,
			rad = true,
			random = true,
			randomseed = true,
			round = true,
			sign = true,
			sin = true,
			sinh = true,
			sqrt = true,
			tan = true,
			tanh = true,

			huge = true,
			pi = true,

		os = {
			clock = true,
			date = true,
			difftime = true,
			time = true,

		string = {
			byte = true,
			char = true,
			find = true,
			format = true,
			gmatch = true,
			gsub = true,
			len = true,
			lower = true,
			match = true,
			pack = true,
			packsize = true,
			rep = true,
			reverse = true,
			split = true,
			sub = true,
			unpack = true,
			upper = true,

		table = {
			clear = true,
			clone = true,
			concat = true,
			create = true,
			find = true,
			foreach = true,
			foreachi = true,
			freeze = true,
			getn = true,
			insert = true,
			isfrozen = true,
			maxn = true,
			move = true,
			pack = true,
			remove = true,
			sort = true,
			unpack = true,

		utf8 = {
			char = true,
			codepoint = true,
			codes = true,
			graphemes = true,
			len = true,
			nfcnormalize = true,
			nfdnormalize = true,
			offset = true,

			charpattern = true,

		-- Roblox Libraries
		Axes = {
			new = true,

		BrickColor = {
			Black = true,
			Blue = true,
			DarkGray = true,
			Gray = true,
			Green = true,
			new = true,
			New = true,
			palette = true,
			Random = true,
			random = true,
			Red = true,
			White = true,
			Yellow = true,

		CatalogSearchParams = {
			new = true,

		CFrame = {
			Angles = true,
			fromAxisAngle = true,
			fromEulerAngles = true,
			fromEulerAnglesXYZ = true,
			fromEulerAnglesYXZ = true,
			fromMatrix = true,
			fromOrientation = true,
			lookAt = true,
			new = true,

			identity = true,

		Color3 = {
			fromHex = true,
			fromHSV = true,
			fromRGB = true,
			new = true,
			toHSV = true,

		ColorSequence = {
			new = true,

		ColorSequenceKeypoint = {
			new = true,

		DateTime = {
			fromIsoDate = true,
			fromLocalTime = true,
			fromUniversalTime = true,
			fromUnixTimestamp = true,
			fromUnixTimestampMillis = true,
			now = true,

		DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo = {
			new = true,

		Enum = {},

		Faces = {
			new = true,

		FloatCurveKey = {
			new = true,

		Font = {
			fromEnum = true,
			new = true,

		Instance = {
			new = true,

		NumberRange = {
			new = true,

		NumberSequence = {
			new = true,

		NumberSequenceKeypoint = {
			new = true,

		OverlapParams = {
			new = true,

		PathWaypoint = {
			new = true,

		PhysicalProperties = {
			new = true,

		Random = {
			new = true,

		Ray = {
			new = true,

		RaycastParams = {
			new = true,

		Rect = {
			new = true,

		Region3 = {
			new = true,

		Region3int16 = {
			new = true,

		RotationCurveKey = {
			new = true,

		task = {
			cancel = true,
			defer = true,
			delay = true,
			desynchronize = true,
			spawn = true,
			synchronize = true,
			wait = true,

		TweenInfo = {
			new = true,

		UDim = {
			new = true,

		UDim2 = {
			fromOffset = true,
			fromScale = true,
			new = true,

		Vector2 = {
			new = true,

			one = true,
			xAxis = true,
			yAxis = true,
			zero = true,

		Vector2int16 = {
			new = true,

		Vector3 = {
			fromAxis = true,
			FromAxis = true,
			fromNormalId = true,
			FromNormalId = true,
			new = true,

			one = true,
			xAxis = true,
			yAxis = true,
			zAxis = true,
			zero = true,

		Vector3int16 = {
			new = true,

-- Filling up language.libraries.Enum table 
local enumLibraryTable = language.libraries.Enum

for _, enum in ipairs(Enum:GetEnums()) do
	enumLibraryTable[tostring(enum)] = true --TODO: Remove tostring from here once there is a better way to get the name of an Enum

return language

Yeah, so it must be when I’m passing something.

For testing purposes I just did this:

local Highighter = require(script.Parent.Highlighter)


When doing Highlighter:Highlight, the first parameter is a string and not an object. Just do Highlighter(TextLabel)

1 Like

Woah it actually worked, is there a light mode for this?

My bad, when you do a colon the first parameter is Highlighter, if you do Highlighter.Highlight(TextLabel, TEXT_HERE) it should work too