There’s this awesome lexer for Lua in the Penlight library. It works well, but has a few bugs.
@boatbomber came to the rescue and heavily modified the lexer, and added support for tokenizing built-in items (such as ‘print’ and ‘math’). I believe he also made some changes so that it could be invoked on-the-fly and still perform well. So the majority of the credit for this goes to him!
I then took his edits and made a couple optimizations of my own. So now we have a couple iterations of fixes and optimizations, and are left with a lexer that works really well for RBX Lua. I’m using it for my framework plugin, and I believe boatbomber is also using it in a project.
Here’s an example of the lexer being used to do syntax highlighting on its own source. This is a plugin widget, not the script editor:
Here’s the Lexer code:
Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from Lua source code.
This is a heavily modified and Roblox-optimized version of
the original Penlight Lexer module:
stevedonovan <> ----------------- Original Penlight lexer author
ryanjmulder <> ----------------- Penlight lexer contributer
mpeterv <> ----------------- Penlight lexer contributer
Tieske <> ----------------- Penlight lexer contributer
boatbomber <> ----------------- Roblox port, optimizations, and bug fixes
Sleitnick <> ----------------- Roblox optimizations
local source = "for i = 1,n do end"
-- The 'scan' function returns a token iterator:
for token,src in lexer.scan(source) do
print(token, src)
> keyword for
> iden i
> = =
> number 1
> , ,
> iden n
> keyword do
> keyword end
List of tokens:
- keyword
- builtin
- iden
- string
- number
- space
- comment
Other tokens that don't fall into the above categories
will simply be returned as itself. For instance, operators
like "+" will simply return "+" as the token.
local lexer = {}
local yield, wrap = coroutine.yield, coroutine.wrap
local strfind = string.find
local strsub = string.sub
local append = table.insert
local type = type
local NUMBER1 = "^[%+%-]?%d+%.?%d*[eE][%+%-]?%d+"
local NUMBER2 = "^[%+%-]?%d+%.?%d*"
local NUMBER3 = "^0x[%da-fA-F]+"
local NUMBER4 = "^%d+%.?%d*[eE][%+%-]?%d+"
local NUMBER5 = "^%d+%.?%d*"
local IDEN = "^[%a_][%w_]*"
local WSPACE = "^%s+"
local STRING1 = "^(['\"])%1" --Empty String
local STRING2 = [[^(['"])(\*)%2%1]]
local STRING3 = [[^(['"]).-[^\](\*)%2%1]]
local STRING4 = "^(['\"]).-.*" --Incompleted String
local STRING5 = "^%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Multiline-String
local STRING6 = "^%[%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-String
local CHAR1 = "^''"
local CHAR2 = [[^'(\*)%1']]
local CHAR3 = [[^'.-[^\](\*)%1']]
local PREPRO = "^#.-[^\\]\n"
local MCOMMENT1 = "^%-%-%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Completed Multiline-Comment
local MCOMMENT2 = "^%-%-%[%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-Comment
local SCOMMENT1 = "^%-%-.-\n" --Completed Singleline-Comment
local SCOMMENT2 = "^%-%-.-.*" --Incompleted Singleline-Comment
local lua_keyword = {
["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true,
["end"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true,
["in"] = true, ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["while"] = true,
["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true, ["true"] = true,
["self"] = true, ["until"] = true
local lua_builtin = {
["assert"] = true;["collectgarbage"] = true;["error"] = true;["_G"] = true;
["gcinfo"] = true;["getfenv"] = true;["getmetatable"] = true;["ipairs"] = true;
["loadstring"] = true;["newproxy"] = true;["next"] = true;["pairs"] = true;
["pcall"] = true;["print"] = true;["rawequal"] = true;["rawget"] = true;["rawset"] = true;
["select"] = true;["setfenv"] = true;["setmetatable"] = true;["tonumber"] = true;
["tostring"] = true;["type"] = true;["unpack"] = true;["_VERSION"] = true;["xpcall"] = true;
["delay"] = true;["elapsedTime"] = true;["require"] = true;["spawn"] = true;["tick"] = true;
["time"] = true;["typeof"] = true;["UserSettings"] = true;["wait"] = true;["warn"] = true;
["game"] = true;["Enum"] = true;["script"] = true;["shared"] = true;["workspace"] = true;
["Axes"] = true;["BrickColor"] = true;["CFrame"] = true;["Color3"] = true;["ColorSequence"] = true;
["ColorSequenceKeypoint"] = true;["Faces"] = true;["Instance"] = true;["NumberRange"] = true;
["NumberSequence"] = true;["NumberSequenceKeypoint"] = true;["PhysicalProperties"] = true;
["Random"] = true;["Ray"] = true;["Rect"] = true;["Region3"] = true;["Region3int16"] = true;
["TweenInfo"] = true;["UDim"] = true;["UDim2"] = true;["Vector2"] = true;["Vector3"] = true;
["Vector3int16"] = true;["next"] = true;
["os"] = true;
--["os.time"] = true;[""] = true;["os.difftime"] = true;
["debug"] = true;
--["debug.traceback"] = true;["debug.profilebegin"] = true;["debug.profileend"] = true;
["math"] = true;
--["math.abs"] = true;["math.acos"] = true;["math.asin"] = true;["math.atan"] = true;["math.atan2"] = true;["math.ceil"] = true;["math.clamp"] = true;["math.cos"] = true;["math.cosh"] = true;["math.deg"] = true;["math.exp"] = true;["math.floor"] = true;["math.fmod"] = true;["math.frexp"] = true;["math.ldexp"] = true;["math.log"] = true;["math.log10"] = true;["math.max"] = true;["math.min"] = true;["math.modf"] = true;["math.noise"] = true;["math.pow"] = true;["math.rad"] = true;["math.random"] = true;["math.randomseed"] = true;["math.sign"] = true;["math.sin"] = true;["math.sinh"] = true;["math.sqrt"] = true;["math.tan"] = true;["math.tanh"] = true;
["coroutine"] = true;
--["coroutine.create"] = true;["coroutine.resume"] = true;["coroutine.running"] = true;["coroutine.status"] = true;["coroutine.wrap"] = true;["coroutine.yield"] = true;
["string"] = true;
--["string.byte"] = true;["string.char"] = true;["string.dump"] = true;["string.find"] = true;["string.format"] = true;["string.len"] = true;["string.lower"] = true;["string.match"] = true;["string.rep"] = true;["string.reverse"] = true;["string.sub"] = true;["string.upper"] = true;["string.gmatch"] = true;["string.gsub"] = true;
["table"] = true;
--["table.concat"] = true;["table.insert"] = true;["table.remove"] = true;["table.sort"] = true;
local function tdump(tok)
return yield(tok, tok)
local function ndump(tok)
return yield("number", tok)
local function sdump(tok)
return yield("string", tok)
local function cdump(tok)
return yield("comment", tok)
local function wsdump(tok)
return yield("space", tok)
local function lua_vdump(tok)
if (lua_keyword[tok]) then
return yield("keyword", tok)
elseif (lua_builtin[tok]) then
return yield("builtin", tok)
return yield("iden", tok)
local lua_matches = {
{IDEN, lua_vdump}, -- Indentifiers
{WSPACE, wsdump}, -- Whitespace
{NUMBER3, ndump}, -- Numbers
{NUMBER4, ndump},
{NUMBER5, ndump},
{STRING1, sdump}, -- Strings
{STRING2, sdump},
{STRING3, sdump},
{STRING4, sdump},
{STRING5, sdump}, -- Multiline-Strings
{STRING6, sdump}, -- Multiline-Strings
{MCOMMENT1, cdump}, -- Multiline-Comments
{MCOMMENT2, cdump},
{SCOMMENT1, cdump}, -- Singleline-Comments
{SCOMMENT2, cdump},
{"^==", tdump}, -- Operators
{"^~=", tdump},
{"^<=", tdump},
{"^>=", tdump},
{"^%.%.%.", tdump},
{"^%.%.", tdump},
{"^.", tdump}
local num_lua_matches = #lua_matches
--- Create a plain token iterator from a string.
-- @tparam string s a string.
function lexer.scan(s)
local function lex(first_arg)
local line_nr = 0
local sz = #s
local idx = 1
-- res is the value used to resume the coroutine.
local function handle_requests(res)
while (res) do
local tp = type(res)
-- Insert a token list:
if (tp == "table") then
res = yield("", "")
for i = 1,#res do
local t = res[i]
res = yield(t[1], t[2])
elseif (tp == "string") then -- Or search up to some special pattern:
local i1, i2 = strfind(s, res, idx)
if (i1) then
local tok = strsub(s, i1, i2)
idx = (i2 + 1)
res = yield("", tok)
res = yield("", "")
idx = (sz + 1)
res = yield(line_nr, idx)
line_nr = 1
while (true) do
if (idx > sz) then
while (true) do
for i = 1,num_lua_matches do
local m = lua_matches[i]
local pat = m[1]
local fun = m[2]
local findres = {strfind(s, pat, idx)}
local i1, i2 = findres[1], findres[2]
if (i1) then
local tok = strsub(s, i1, i2)
idx = (i2 + 1)
lexer.finished = (idx > sz)
local res = fun(tok, findres)
if (tok:find("\n")) then
-- Update line number:
local _,newlines = tok:gsub("\n", {})
line_nr = (line_nr + newlines)
return wrap(lex)
return lexer