Hey, I’m just looking for some feedback on this GUI object that I made using tools only in Studio. Any advice would be great, thanks!
It looks pretty good! I think it could benefit from having icons for the two bars (whether it’s next to the numbers or inside the bars itself), having a consistent text size (ex. 180 & 225 have different sizes), and maybe a subtle gradient on the bars. Also if it were me, I would move the number text to be inside of the bars to reduce a bit of clutter. Good job though!
Ok looking good! Only thing Id do is remove the Text that displays your name, put the numbers that I believe are related to health and maybe stamina? Whatever they are, put them in the bar instead of out of it, that way it takes up less space.
Also I notice that the blue bar is a little longer then the red one, if this is on purpose maybe make it a bit longer, cause right now it just looks like you scaled it incorrectly