LGBTQ+ flags. Are they allowed?

So I was decorating a room and was thinking of things to hang on the wall, like posters and such. I thought of hanging a trans flag there because:

  • It would fit the character to whom the room belongs to;
  • It would look good and fill up the empty space on the wall;
  • It would be inclusive and positive for trans people to have the flag there

But I gave it a second thought and got worried that Roblox would respond negatively and take moderation action against this design choice due to it being a bit of a mature and sensitive topic, but on the other hand, I feel like it shouldn’t be against the rules to simply be yourself. So I’m a bit conflicted on whether or not I should go forth with this design choice.

What do you think? I believe it would be wrong to back away from this, and I also believe it would be wrong to persecute this sort of thing. I don’t think it’s inappropriate for trans people to exist.


As long as you aren’t violating the Terms of Service you shouldn’t have an issue with ROBLOX moderation.


thats roblox tos thats not roblox community tos they are not the same thing

I think it could cause conflict of interest especially to people who are believe in god roblox audience is mostly kids and you having lgbtq related content visible for players that are young might cause conflict of interest especially for parents but at end of the day you do you does this violate tos ? dont know probably not but i can see it causing conflict of interest and possible drama


It wouldn’t violate either community standards or terms of service, as @bura1414 stated above it’d be more of a conflict issue.


there’s thousands of [insert identity] flags on the roblox catalog, i don’t see why you couldn’t put one on a wall


Make the game 13+ and i think its okay. Don’t think roblox allows promoting lgbtq+ material to children.


Make the game 13+ and i think its okay.

For that, I would have to respond the questionnaire innacurately because there are no questions in the questionnaire regarding LGBTQ+ content, in other words, I’d have to claim the game has content such as blood and violence (which the game does not have). Besides, making the entire game 13+ just because it has one (1) LGBTQ+ flag on a single room would be very overkill in my opinion. Even though I do agree that children aren’t mature enough to understand these things, I don’t think a flag would mean anything to them.

there’s thousands of [insert identity] flags on the roblox catalog, i don’t see why you couldn’t put one on a wall

There’s a lot of “female chest accessories” on the catalog too, but I’m quite certain Roblox moderation wouldn’t let me put that in a game (rightfully so, since they shouldn’t even be in the marketplace in the first place).

I think it could cause conflict of interest especially to people who are believe in god roblox audience is mostly kids and you having lgbtq related content visible for players that are young might cause conflict of interest especially for parents

In my opinion, this is an issue related to bigotry and I do not want to support bigotry. To me, anyone who feels offended by the presence or existence of a trans person has bigoted views and I do not wish to support that.


They are allowed. If you’re concerned about having one present in your game and it’s not necessary then don’t put it in your game.

I agree that they shouldn’t be present in a game with children but Roblox doesn’t say you can’t do it so go for it.


Okay. I’ll consider adding it. I don’t really see an issue with it since it’d be just a decorative flag hanging in a wall of a room, nothing that’s right on the player’s face. If Roblox moderation has a problem with it, I’ll settle it with them. Thanks.


Well, if you want the best metrics and statistics, you’re better off staying neutral and not adding it just for the sake of adding it, as to not discourage a player from playing game.


OP pointed out that it fits the character they have in mind. I don’t see why one would argue about “the sake of adding it”.


If the developer is trying to be famous, it would be better not to add it. According to this source (Views of Homosexuality Around the World | Pew Research Center) you can see there are large parts of the world that don’t accept LGBTQ, which would discourage them from playing the game and thus resulting in less players. Owner’s choice though.


I think the Roblox audience differs from the one in your source, so all the data quickly becomes inaccurate. Plus, I don’t think anyone will really care about this minor detail.


Join the LGBTQ hangout game. You will see a lot of haters

An entire game around LGBTQ and a poster on a wall are vastly different

If the developer is trying to be famous, it would be better not to add it.

If becoming famous requires one to drop their ideals, then I would rather be obscured.

If you try to reverse your search towards games that are rooted in movements and or identity of the political right- for example, police solidarity or gun rights. You will be hard-pressed to find flags like the Thin Blue Line or the Don’t Thread On Me ensign.

Bit of an odd comparison in my opinion since these flags are entirely political (though the Gadsden flag has its roots in the American Civil War, but nowadays it’s a right-wing symbol), whereas I don’t believe trans flags are political in any way. In my opinion, LGBTQ+ is only political if you make it political, and no one has to make it political. It’s not political for a queer person to exist.

An entire game around LGBTQ and a poster on a wall are vastly different

I agree. After all, my game has literally no other references to LGBTQ+ other than the wall decoration. I believe it would only receive backlash if someone sees it and chooses to misinterpret it somehow, or simply goes attack mode due to bigoted views. It can definitely happen but I don’t care if anyone hates me for it.

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My previously mentioned point still stands unchanged.

Your statement technically stands but is non-sequitur to the question asked. And besides, if we wanted the best metrics, we would all be making Next-Hot-Game-Genreℱ.

Listen, this individual got my answer, and I won’t change it. Call it what you want, but I’m not gonna be wasting any more time on this thread. Would be best if OP just shut it down, since her question seems to have been answered.

Yes. Move on.

(mods can we lock this thread pls so it doesn’t turn into a landmine)