LGBTQ | Group Roles Information


:rainbow: LGBTQ Group Roles Information

Ever find it difficult to understand what each identity, orientation, or generally what role means what? Find out about each orientation and identity that we offer, alongside permissions for all roles, including staff-only roles.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact twofacedwhre for direct information and resolutions.

Section 1, Orientation Role Information

An orientation, in terms of LGBTQ, represents your sexuality.

Orientations that we provide rolesets for include:

  • Aromantic
    • No desire for having a relationship that bounds to romance with another.
  • Asexual
    • No desire for sexual intercourse/activity, although you may engage in romantic or loving relationships
  • Bisexual
    • Having a romantic, emotional, or sexual attraction for both males and females, and therefore only 2 genders at once, rather than more
  • Demisexual
    • Only having a sexual attraction towards someone that you know deeply or have an emotional bond with someone
  • Gay
    • Sexual or romantic desires for the opposing gender, almost always used to define 2 men together
  • Lesbian
    • Sexual or romantic desires for the opposing gender, almost always used to define 2 women together
  • Omnisexual
    • Having romantic, emotional, or sexual attraction for people regardless of identity; no recognition of identity, as opposed to pansexuality
  • Pansexual
    • Having romantic, emotional, or sexual attraction for people of any identity; pansexuality recognizes identities, but it has no affect on their emotional output
  • Polysexual
    • Having romantic, emotional, or sexual attraction to many people, but not necessarily all/any identities
  • Queer
    • Anyone who is identifies as an identity and orientation other than heterosexual and cisgender
  • Questioning
    • Anyone who may not know their orientation, or are experimenting to better situation them with an orientation
  • Straight Ally
    • Anyone who is a heterosexual and cisgender person, and supports equality, civil rights, and is strongly against LGBTQ-posed phobias

Section 2, Identity Role Information

An identity, in terms of LGBTQ, represents your gender/sex.

  • Agender
    • Anyone who doesn’t fall under having a gender identity, and are therefore genderless
  • Bigender
    • Anyone who has 2 identities or a combination of 2 identities
  • Genderfluid
    • Anyone who doesn’t fixate themselves with a specific identity, as their identity may change over time
  • Genderqueer
    • Anyone who doesn’t follow male or female, but are in between somewhere; an umbrella term to identify someone as having an identity other than male or female
  • Non-Binary
    • Having an identity that falls outside of the lines of male or female; an umbrella term for anyone whose identity doesn’t apply to male or female
  • Omnigender
    • Anyone who identifies with many, but not all genders
  • Pangender
    • Anyone who identifies with all genders, or is a member of all genders in a sense
  • Polygender
    • Anyone who identifies with many genders, but collectively believes that they all play a connected part towards their own identity
  • Transgender
    • Anyone whose identity differs from what they were assigned at birth

:bird:Social Links

LGBTQ’s Roblox Group
LGBTQ’s Official Twitter Page
LGBTQ’s Official Information Board

NOTE: This informative board is subject to editing and reformatting as new boards, information, and topics are created or edited. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Last Updated: July 27th, at 2:37 AM EST