Jack asked people to make a controllable whale. However, before I could finish, he closed the competition. Now I have a ridable whale.
I still have Liana the whale. Particles are inspired by ArceusInator and Windwaker.
You can ride Liana here:
Right now, the particles are now rendering. ROBLOX’s mods should approve pretty soon. The real question now, is… what do I do with Liana?
[]I’m not about to dump her into Set Adrift, because she tends to spaz out a lot (maybe once the new physics come out).
[]I could give the whales health, fix a few glitches, and make a combat game in a few hours w/ the rocket launcher.
[]I already have code for a fast-paced FPS game. I could dump Liana into that and have fast-paced FPS whale-attack teams. However, I’m not sure how the whole first-person FPS thing with whales would work out.
[]I could use your idea! Post it below, because Liana needs a purpose.
Edit Yes, Liana does like to explode and randomly destroy everything once in a while. I haven’t quite found out what constraint is causing it.
Pirates vs. Islanders
i.e. these foreign scallywags come and try to take over a small island chain somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. The Islanders have been using whales as a mode of transport for years, but now they are forced to use them as mighty steeds of war.
The pirates have their ships.
Pros/Cons of each team:
-Ships can take more damage, but they are slower and not as easy to navigate.
-There are a finite number of ships each round.
-Pirates are better at hand-to-hand combat (i.e. better tools)
-Pirates have canons on their ships
-Whales are fast and agile. Easier to kill, though.
-Whales can be summoned at 60 second intervals/islander (think Titanfall - you can knock down your wait time by killing pirates/capturing bases/etc.)
-Natives are weaker at hand-to-hand but excel at those “run away turn around and shoot” type of fights.
-Islanders have boobytraps around the islands, too.
idk I think it sounds fun. I would play it.
Mainly for Liana.
Hey, did you have to do anything to make the whale Rideable (like where Osyris is standing?)? Only reason I ask was cause a few weeks back we turned on the feature to where you don’t need to make any special changes to stand on platforms, and I wanna make sure it actually works for examples like this.