Liana The Whale [Shameless self-promotion]

Jack asked people to make a controllable whale. However, before I could finish, he closed the competition. Now I have a ridable whale.

I still have Liana the whale. Particles are inspired by ArceusInator and Windwaker.

You can ride Liana here:

Right now, the particles are now rendering. ROBLOX’s mods should approve pretty soon. The real question now, is… what do I do with Liana?

[]I’m not about to dump her into Set Adrift, because she tends to spaz out a lot (maybe once the new physics come out).
]I could give the whales health, fix a few glitches, and make a combat game in a few hours w/ the rocket launcher.
[]I already have code for a fast-paced FPS game. I could dump Liana into that and have fast-paced FPS whale-attack teams. However, I’m not sure how the whole first-person FPS thing with whales would work out.
]I could use your idea! Post it below, because Liana needs a purpose.

Edit Yes, Liana does like to explode and randomly destroy everything once in a while. I haven’t quite found out what constraint is causing it.

I know you said that it has a tendency to explode, but on my first attempt? qq

Edit: Tried it again, and it’s pretty cool. Never ridden a whale before.

You can make ‘Japanese Marine Research Simulator’ where you go around harpooning whales and making them into burgers.

Or ‘Anti-Japanese Marine Research Elite Whale Squadron Simulator’ where players riding on whales destroy research facilities.

Whoa, what if one team destroys the facilities and the other team shoots harpoons at the whales?

Pirates vs. Islanders
i.e. these foreign scallywags come and try to take over a small island chain somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. The Islanders have been using whales as a mode of transport for years, but now they are forced to use them as mighty steeds of war.
The pirates have their ships.

Pros/Cons of each team:
-Ships can take more damage, but they are slower and not as easy to navigate.
-There are a finite number of ships each round.
-Pirates are better at hand-to-hand combat (i.e. better tools)
-Pirates have canons on their ships
-Whales are fast and agile. Easier to kill, though.
-Whales can be summoned at 60 second intervals/islander (think Titanfall - you can knock down your wait time by killing pirates/capturing bases/etc.)
-Natives are weaker at hand-to-hand but excel at those “run away turn around and shoot” type of fights.
-Islanders have boobytraps around the islands, too.

idk I think it sounds fun. I would play it.
Mainly for Liana.

hello 911 my whale broke

I love this so much, Quenty. :slight_smile:

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker’s particle style, seems to be very popular around here…

Hey, did you have to do anything to make the whale Rideable (like where Osyris is standing?)? Only reason I ask was cause a few weeks back we turned on the feature to where you don’t need to make any special changes to stand on platforms, and I wanna make sure it actually works for examples like this.

Hey that’s me!

Whale respawn broke and the server has dumb people so no whale riding for me :frowning: