Liberty Salon | Public Handbook
Welcome to the official Liberty Salon Public Handbook!
This guide will contain an extensive list of information regarding our group, Liberty Salon. If you still have any questions after reviewing this document, feel free to contact an MR+ (Staff Assistant+).
“Styling the future!”
[1.1] What is Liberty Salon
Liberty Salon is redefining the styling experience for its clients. Our brand-new innovative salon now offers a variety of different care packages from Wash and Dry to Nail painting. Liberty Salon is dedicated to guaranteeing and providing the best possible experience for all our clients and visitors. The staff here at Liberty are some of the finest and more professionally trained members committed to providing our guarantee of excellent service when you visit our salons.
[1.2] Important Information & Links
Rules & Regulations
- Responsibility is crucial to be used here at Liberty Salon. As an employee, you are held accountable for your actions, such as attending shifts and being active in the community. Remember that as an employee, it is your priority to work whilst at Liberty Salon, even though talking amongst your friends is fine, however, make sure that your role here is at the forefront of your mind.
- All members are required to keep all private documents and conversations confidential. This means you’re not allowed to share classified/confidential information with other people, who do not have the same clearance level. Whatever is discussed in a private chat must stay there. Breaking our confidentiality conduct will lead to severe consequences.
- All members are required to be mature at all times. If you are caught lacking grammar, using excessive capitals at people, making vulgar jokes, gossiping about other members of staff, treating others disrespectfully and insulting them will get you suspended or terminated depending on the severity of the situation.
- Promotions are earned and should be acclaimed for. Asking for promotions will lower the chances of you being promoted to 0%, which if found you have been hinting you will face consequences. In other words, we do not tolerate people hinting or people that are here at Liberty Salon just for promotions.
- Abusing your permissions in-game is a serious offence. Please use admin commands wisely, and only to keep the community safe, and away from trollers. Fun commands are not tolerated, and using such commands for your enjoyment/personal needs will result in serious consequences. Use only the commands that are necessary and allowed at your rank, if you aren’t sure then ask. Admin abuse is not tolerated; all abusive admin commands are not to be used. Please use admin commands sparingly, and only to keep order at the salon.
- Terminations/demotions are reflected by your actions. The following are some valid reasons for a demotion:
- You may have been caught being disrespectful.
- You may have been caught misusing your role
- You may have violated Liberty Salon’s Code of Conduct.
- You may have broken conditions set for you. (Mostly in suspensions)
- You may have found Admin Abusing.
These are only some of the reasons you may be demoted for. If your punishment is appealable, you may appeal if you’d like to. Your appeal will be reviewed by a member of our HRD Team. A decision will be made throughout this time. Please acknowledge that punishments should allow you to realise your mistakes, and what you did to be demoted.
Sessions (Trainings & Shifts)
Shifts are randomly hosted by CSOs+. During shifts, hardworking and dedicated staff may receive promotions. Special shifts like Mass Shifts and Promotional Shifts are hosted by the Human Resources Department really often! In such shifts, promotion chances are really high for hardworking staff!
Trainings are hosted daily by MRs+ (Staff Assistant+) in the Training Centre. The schedule for trainings may be found in the Trello Board and in #sessions. Awaiting Training+ members may attend trainings to train for a staff rank like Hair Stylist, Receptionist, Makeup Artist, Fashion Designer and more! Low Ranks may also attend to retrain for another Low Rank.
Affiliate Information
Rank Information
Contact Directory
• Corporate Leads: alvyaqx, LadyKhloee
• Corporate Leadership:
• Executive Board:
• Corporate Board:
[1.3] Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How can I join a department?
A1. To join a department, you will have to pass the department’s application whenever they are open. You may also be handpicked by the Department Leadership but remember that you shouldn’t be asking for promotions or for your application to be accepted.
Q2. If I need to report someone, what should I do?
A2. If you see someone breaking our guidelines or Discord/Roblox ToS, you may report them in the Reports & Appeals server. Remember that you should open a ticket under the appropriate category.
Q3. If I want to appeal a punishment that I received in the discord server, what shall I do?
A3. To appeal a punishment given to you by the moderation department, you must head to the Reports & Appeals server and open a ticket under the Discord Appeals category.
Q4. If I want to appeal a punishment (E.g demotion) handed by the HR team, what should I do?
A4. To appeal a punishment given to you by the MR team, you must head to the Reports & Appeals server and open a ticket under the “Support” category.
Q5. I found a glitch, who can I tell?
A5. If you have encountered a glitch or a bug, do not hesitate to report it in #bugs. If it is urgent, contact an online MR+.
Q6. I have safe-chat, can I work here?
A6. Having safe-chat is perfectly fine, you still qualify to work here as long as you are 13+ in real life. Being a member of our communications server while being underage is prohibited, you will be permanently banned until you reach the age limit. Don’t worry, though, you can still play the game and work as a LR/Senior LR staff member no matter how old you are.
Q7. I purchased a rank (gamepass). How may I claim it?
A7. If you purchased a rank, you should join the main game. If it does not rank you in the group automatic ally, please open a support ticket for further assistance. Remember that faking any information will lead to consequences.
Q8. I purchased a gamepass but I do not want it anymore. May I get a refund?
A8. Unfortunately, due to Roblox ToS, refunds are not permitted. If you have any questions about a gamepass, feel free to open a support ticket on our communications server.
Q9. Where can I find the session times?
A9. Shifts are hosted randomly by CSOs+. Trainings are hosted daily by MRs+ (Staff Assistant+). The schedule may be found in #sessions.
Q10. I would like to know my cooldown. Who shall I contact?
A10. If you are looking for your cooldown, feel free to contact an MR+ (Staff Assistant+).
[1.4] Departments
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources department is to manage all staff members within Liberty Salon. This means checking regularly on HRs, managing them, guiding them and making sure everything runs smoothly throughout the game.
Department Divisions: Operations, Investigations, and Staffing
Moderation Department
The Moderation Department is tasked with handling incidents within the Liberty Salon server. This department is responsible to carry out Moderation Infractions including warnings, kicks, mutes and bans.
Department Divisions: Server Moderation and Investigations
Public Relations Department
The Public Relations department is tasked with managing all our alliances and hosting community-wide events.
Department Divisions: Affiliate Relations and Events Committee
Community Events & Rewards
The Public Relations Department is tasked with handling all community events and keeping the community aspect and server fun. Some events may include prizes. Those may be robux rewards, special discord role (Events Winner role), economy bot money, promotions (not higher than General Manager) and more! Additionally, the Corporate Board is responsible for nominating people for Super Staff Of The Week and Staff of The Month. Then, a public vote is made and the user with the most votes gets Staff Of The Week (Promotion (not higher than General Manager, special role (SSOTW) and business class role). Remember that if you are caught hinting to get a reward, your chances will be lowered to 0%.
Reports & Appeals Server
If you would like to report someone (LR/MR/HR/SHR) or appeal a punishment (Discord/Roblox), you must head to our Reports & Appeals server. The link can be found in #information. Once you open a ticket, please wait patiently and an Investigations Division Member will assist you soon!
[1.5] Conclusion
You have reached the end of the Handbook. The Corporate team and the HRD department hope that any questions you might have had have been answered by reading this handbook. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach any MR+.
Please note that this is subject to change. The information provided within this document may be changed at any time.
Date Published: Thursday, 20th July 2023
Last Updated: Monday, 12th February 2024
Created By: LadyKhloe
Boltable Management/Leadership