Library Map Showcase

I recently finished this build and I wanted to know what do u guys think about it.

I think its one of my best ones yet.


maybe its my device, but its too dark too see any detail


might be your device bc its bright enough to see

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yeah i can distinguish the fact that its a room and some other things, still recommend brightening the image a bit

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I added some exposure

I hope its better now


Much better now :ok_hand:
I can appreciate the details now, very cool.

Thank you! I appreciate it a lot.

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I like the quiet vibe I get from the library showcase just looking at the image makes me feel like I am in a library.

Thank you! thats a nice description of it.

If you’re going for an all around orange tinted room, then great.

However, if you’re not I’d suggest tweaking the lighting.

The build itself is very nice though

Make it a little brighter and also make everything less brown, its hard to see some of the details and stuff since everything is brown. Maybe make the bookshelves and stuff either lighter or darker. (I think it will look a little better if darker)

Yeah I was going for an orange tinted room.
Thank u for ur feedback!

It’s because most of the stuff there are made out of wooden, u can suggest some colors if u want.
I edited the picture and I added more exposure and gamma, this was the actual picture:

it was just a little bit dark so I tried making the picture brighter.

Maybe add a light or a torch, it’s pretty hard to see.

Looks great though to make it realistic I would add fake or real lightings as currently there are no lights but our still able to see

ill add a lamp.
theres already some lightning blocks

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there is light blocks, just not enough exposure, ill add more. ill also add some lamps.

No not light blocks I mean decoration lighting its lighting is good but it needs some decoration lighting like lamps and stuff that dont effect the lighting much

ik ik, i just looked at the “to do list” of the map, turns out i forgot to make lamps lol

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I suggest changing the material of the walls. Makes the library look like it’s a cave.