Library Of Elders [Building showcase]

Hey guys! It’s been while since I opened new showcase,that’s because i was working on this awesome project for more than 4 months! :slight_smile:

You need decent computer and connection to visit this place! If you can’t visit it blame your computer.

Please don’t reply with “nice” “good” etc.I want well organized,detailed feedback so I know what to improve next time I build showcase! We learn from our mistakes,right?

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One thing to say:

THAT LAG (I force maxed out roblox’s graphics so its my fault not yours)

Other then that, thats a pretty nice place, looks a bit like SolusWizard’s library at first, but its pretty good. Good atmosphere to the place.

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That’s really cool! One suggestion though, try adding more benches, tables, chairs, or anything to help clutter the floor.

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If you need a seat that works while anchored, try this.

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I don’t know how my computer isn’t lagging with this. Do you have a part count?

I love the little details. The floor is just amazing and the books looks so nice o:

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This is just my opinion, but I think the room with the tree and the crystals is a bit unnecessary. Otherwise, nice job. :wink:

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I would have to agree with that, i don’t know the lore of the place (if there is one to begin with) but I saw the library then went into the next part and saw a tree in the middle of the room, with crystals surrounding it, which all seemed very out of place

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The atmosphere is great.

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I love it!

I spotted a few minor things though:

  1. I found the stars on the roof to be a bit unnecessary. Although it looks neat, I felt like it didn’t add that much.

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  1. The transition from wood to stone is illogical. It just goes from wood to stone. Normally it doesn’t matter that much, but in your case the transition is not a straight line.

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Anyways, great job! The showcase looks fantastic.

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I like the whole attempt at making the ceiling into a planetarium, however what would be more interesting is an astrological map that hangs from the ceiling. Like, planets and stars held up by strings. The only reason I say this is because the texture used on the ceiling just doesn’t seem to fit right.

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Love the ambiance.

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Amazing showcase, one of the best, if not the best I have seen on roblox, the detail and build quality are superb.

Love running this on 60fps, max graphics, so smooth.

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This made me so happy… Everything fits together perfectly… The music, the whole building… everything. WOW.

I am fine with the tree and crystal room, I think it fits in well with the music and theme. :imagine:

11/10. Would pay to see.
This is, the best showcase I have ever seen.

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I really enjoyed that, the music was a wonderful touch.

I’m most disappointed with how small it is – I want more! I would have liked to see a more grand library, I feel the tone suggests something larger. I’m excited to see more in the future!

I really liked the lighting, it was very carefully managed. A few nitpicks:

  • The particles in the hallway flash into being
  • It gets dark when I walk up to objects, which can be a little annoying to see the details you’ve built. Maybe that was intentional…?
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Hey! I am very happy that you like it! :wink:

But sadly i could not make this showcase bigger Cough Roblox crashes Cough

You will see more content from me soon! :wink:

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Wow! I agree that there should be more cluttering the floor in some places. The room with the tree feels sort of cliche for showcases, too (if you know what I mean).
Still really pretty, nonetheless. This is superb!

Also, the BG music really helps. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wait what? How do you do this? Does it make Roblox run smoother?

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I found a hole:

And also some light creeping in from the ceiling? This doesn’t look intentional. It’s happening in a few areas around the edge of the ceiling. You may want to thicken it.

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Wait what? How do you do this? Does it make Roblox run smoother?[/quote]

No,but it is worth it. However your graphics card has to be Nivida in order to force OA and AA on roblox… It comes at a cost though, screen tearing happens on CSG models on random games at random times… But if you are taking a picture of a showcase, it is totally worth the side effect of modifying robloxs graphics.

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[quote] I found a hole:

And also some light creeping in from the ceiling? This doesn’t look intentional. It’s happening in a few areas around the edge of the ceiling. You may want to thicken it.


I will fix that hole but that little light is metaphor for something :slight_smile: Just think of it as easter egg (It’s surface gui by the way)

And what about showcase? Did you like it?

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