I am currently working on an open library game using the Google Books API. Should the game offer ready-to-read books or let players search topics and get books on that topic?
This is what I have now (obviously depending on the final choice I will make a map, and animation for the loading books) I’m debating whether to include a search feature because who knows what users might search for…
I don’t think it’s a bad idea but I’m not sure this is right audience for it - specifically devforum I mean, most of those people already use this platform as their main source.
Anyone interested in reading a book they don’t have, also it’s not limited to books about programming; it covers a wide range of topics in many languages.
I mean it is definitely possible to do it but if I implement the search feature (that loads in any book you want), the rest of the library is going to be kinda useless.
Yeah I see now - I would recommend you go with the one that best suites the requirements of the audience; things like fast load speeds, stuff that isn’t going to take up too much time.
Especially considering how short of an attention span children have.
With ready to read books you completely eliminate the chance of someone loading an inappropriate book, but also reduce the amount of books the library has. As for the loading speed I can’t do much since theres a rate limit
Potentially you could implement a skeleton system where empty books fill in the entire area, and when the books load in discard the skeleton and load the actual books. It should hide the illusion of loading pretty well.