Life of an Otaku

Life of an Otaku

by Yasu Yoshida

Life of an Otaku started as a simple building project more than five years ago, and it has been constantly updated throughout the years. It has received many revisions and there is currently another revision in progress. The current version of the showcase lacks content, but the new revision should introduce a lot more content for players to enjoy.

If you would like to view the progress I have made on this revision, then you can see some of it on my Twitter (@mvyasu). I also occasionally stream development on Twitch, so you might also be able to see my progress there as well.

I will be updating this post once the new update is out. I might include something like a press kit.


Update Logs

18 June 2018

Since a lot of people were really wanting more of the story, I just had to do this update. Taking a break for a year was the right choice because when I originally made the first act, I had no idea how to make the player progress to the next act. Sure the objectives you do currently might go by quickly, but at least it’s better than no objectives at all!

This update log isn’t up to date


  • Implemented a new interaction system, or something along those lines
  • You can now continue your progress (excluding checklist progress)
  • New tool shed building has been added to the home location
  • New laundry room has been added to the home location
  • New bathroom added to the home location
  • Objectives pertaining to the story have been added
  • Objective gui has been added
  • Tons of new interactions throughout the home
  • You can now edit the brightness and contrast from the menu
  • You can now zoom in by pressing RMB or ButtonR2
  • Act II & III are now implemented


  • Improved rain sound effect
  • In-game music has been changed to use songs found in the Roblox library
  • Majority of the badges have been changed on how you earn them
  • Majority of csg assets have been converted into meshes
  • Majority of anime related assets have been removed
  • Majority of interactions have been modified
  • A really big menu overhaul has occured
  • Introduction sequence has been shortened
  • The preloading gui has been modified
  • Majority of the easter eggs have been changed in some way
  • Act scenes are now loaded and unloaded instead of being in workspace the whole time
  • Act I has been completely changed, but is still similar to the old scene
  • Lighting has been improved


  • Fixed some gui fading problems
  • Fixed a few CFrame errors
14 July 2016

The old showcase was simply a simple house with a bunch of anime posters all over, but that’s not showing any of my abilities (but rather someone elses). This update included almost nothing from the previous version.

  • New introduction sequence
  • Implemented a preloading gui
  • Whole new shrine location where you can donate
  • Whole new home location that you can explore
  • You now have a checklist which you can complete
  • You can now interact with objects around the home
  • You can now earn badges while exploring
  • Implemented NPCs at the shrine which you can talk with
  • Act I has been implemented
9 July 2015

The day where Life of an Otaku was initially started. The original version of the showcase at this time included a very simple room and anime posters all over the walls. Later updates included the ability to travel to different locations including a shrine, multiplayer home, and more. Yes, this really isn’t an update log, but it’s still an important date.


Keyboard & Mouse



Can I use the music found in-game for my videos?

No. The music found in-game is owned by APM Music and not me. However, you can mute the in-game music through the settings before each play session.

What music is used inside the game?

Oh boy! There’s quite a few songs used inside the game but here they are!


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