Life on Mars - Improved Landscape + Ambience!

It has been quite a while since I’ve ever shown the latest updates of Life on Mars. I agree. Some of you may have heard of this before, some not. So, for those of you who are not familiar with this concept, Life on Mars is going to be a survival game where players will have to communicate in order to survive. They will explore, discover, grow their own food inside of special chambers, keep an eye on the artificial habitat systems, and much more! This game is going to take place in the late 21st century where humans will successfully colonize Mars and start it’s terraformation.

Anyways, before that all comes in, here are some pictures of the latest update:

And for those of you who are curious, here is a size comparison:

(The small dot is me and the rover. Also, the rover will be updated, this is just a testing version, so don’t mind Bessy the Rover, she has feelings too…)

Anyways, feel free to leave your own feedback, it helps a lot.
Thank you all so much for your support!

Here you can check out the landscape and be the very first humanoid on Mars!


uhhhh no way this is roblox
yeah definitely not roblox
you use gaea or what?
its gReat!!

I used the Terrain tools to shape the landscape.
Engine: ROBLOX Studio.

It has way more capabilities than you think! All it takes is a little passion and creativity. The sky is the limit!


Whaaaaaaa?? no wayyyyy
roblox has improved so much oh my gosh
also, it doesn’t look like mars, make it more red/dark orange, as that is color of rust.
make sky more reddish too!
because it is mars, righ

In reality, Mars only seems to be red because of how it’s viewed from space due to it’s rusty atmosphere. But if you descend into it’s atmosphere, you will discover that it’s a totally different story. And during the day, it’s sky does slightly resemble that of Earth. However, during sunrise, it’s sky has a grey-ish tint. Unfortunately, I cannot do that in ROBLOX at the moment, but let’s see what the future brings us!

Also, be sure to take a look at some of the photos the Mars Curiosity Rover has taken. You will be stunned!

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Wow, absolutely stunning. I can say for certain if it had popped up in my recommended I would’ve definitely play it, keep up the good work. x

Is this made by heightmaps? Looks very nice.

Wow it doesn’t look like this was made with raw terrain tools.

The size of the mountains is impossible to generate by ROBLOX Studio, so I had to shape it by hand.

Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 10.16.53 PM
You were right…
It does resemble a reddish tint, If I am not wrong?

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I mean, you could have just used Gaea and imported a heightmap :man_shrugging:

Spectacular work, how did you make it?

ROBLOX is the power. It’s capable of far more than what everyone thinks.

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This is epic. I love the landscape and the ambience matches almost perfectly.

Woah holy that is so realistic!
I cant even believe how far roblox has come as a platform.
Yeah this look just fantastic! :grinning:

This looks fantastic, such a great job!

This is great! The lighting and fog, wow…

Just to help prove the point of @Akkoard I found this video: NASA 4K video shows mind-blowing surface of Mars (

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I love hearing this sort of thing. I too have seen the power of Roblox studio and wow is it powerful. This very post proves it. You @Akkoard are a great developer and I look forward to seeing what you do next on Roblox.


This looks absolutely stunning!
The terrain is very smooth and the atmosphere is relaxing, I am pretty sure this isn’t a default Roblox texture, right :thinking:

Still can’t believe this Roblox, Great Job :+1: