Lifespan: My story/horror game

Hello! I started working on this horror/story game a while back. Its still a work in progress, but I thought I would share it. I want you guys to try it out and give feedback!

It’s mostly about exploring the nightmares and fears of someone stuck in a coma. You can see the various environments and dark figures lurking within. (Current development stops at the dark city)

Here are some screenshots

Game Link

Judging by the screenshots his this looks really good. Your use of lighting really adds to the creepy tone of the game, I will definitely have to play this. Keep up the good work!

Alright so took a lil bit of time to try it out, I enjoyed it so far it does have some ups and downs though.

Here’s things I would personally find to be more ideal.

  • Invisible barriers at the start and throughout the game could have fences or other objects that make sense for the area to help players understand the area is off limits instead of just walking into a wall. ( I will say this is an early game so I understand if that’s something you intended to do and just hadn’t gotten to that point in development yet )

  • Shadow People are fairly slow moving which sort of takes away from that horror of briefly seeing something out of the corner of your view only for it to vanish, I would suggest having them move faster and plan out the route they take along with objects that will obscure the players view of seeing them entirely.

  • The floating shadow faces that chase you around are pretty slow moving and don’t provide much threat, Ideally these could be changed into something scarier to see ( given the protagonist is supposed to be an artist these could be what he/she considers the trashed designs, which would allow for some fairly basic model monsters that still come off as terrifying ) as well as the speed and “damage” they do were lacking, the speed allows you to easily duck out to the side before the creature can touch you and while I avoided touching any the only damage I notably could tell was just the screen going blurry red ( nice effect btw ) it would be really nice if these could target the player if within a certain range ( until they escaped to a hiding spot / escaped range ) I would also suggest having them actually take the protagonists HP if too close similar to what you got going right now but actual damage being done. ( The HP bar if shown could be a “Mental Health” so when it goes to zero the protagonists will to resist, continue, etc has been depleted and so restarts the “dream” ( coma ) once again from the start )

  • Just a fun lil idea but having the shadows take on the appearance of the players avatar or if possible avatars from the players friend list would add to the creepy vibe.

  • Didn’t manage to go further then the barrel fire scene, but upon first arriving down in it I initally felt that having a giant over sized ( building sized ) creature pursuing you slowly, would add to the sense of urgency, this giant could be set to wander around the map and occasional it would need to lean down and look around or in through broken walls/ceilings/etc to try and find the player. ( you could have the fire barrels be safe zones and when not able to get to one a “hide” function for hugging the nearby debris/fence/bush/building ruins/etc )

Alright well those are just personally some chances I suggest, I will point out the games start was really good, I was still getting my bearings when I heard a knock knock knock on the door in the garage and it actively had me startled worried as to what could be on the other side.

Best of luck on this project!

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Love the Idea! Looks really good so far, but I think the third pictures area seems a bit plain/bland, maybe try adding some grass or rubble.

Great Game, But here is some feedback!

-When you walk around to characters jitters a little bit ahead.

-Like @Wendigo_King said above the invisible barriers are a bit of a surprise when you walk into them
at first, I recommend increasing the space that the player has to walk around, if you do not want this
then add something visible instead of a invisible barrier!

Other than this the game seems really smooth,
and I wish you the best of luck!

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Thanks alot. I will definitely consider some of your ideas, like a sanity bar and fences. I really like the idea of seeing yourself or friends as shadow people!

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Decent into madness more and more forget where you live, who your friends are, it’ll make the player think twice about what they’ve known

Looks great! The dark, eerie ambience and lighting effects really fit with storyline for the game. Hope you do well with it! :grinning:

This game is so under rated and amazing. I’m always on the hunt for a good horror game on roblox and I finally found one! also Is this playable on console? I wanna show my friends but most don’t have a computer.

Thank you! But I havent really thought about console yet.

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Can’t wait to play this! Looks scary! especially with the lighting!

Good Game! But Game’s have Bugs :

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From the screenshots looks great I’ll hop into it and check it out

I really like your game and your style of building

I truly love the idea you’ve portrayed to us, and I feel like (if done correctly) the ‘nightmares’ experienced by the person could create a relatable experience for some users, as they may have had a similar nightmare in the past for example; enhancing the horror experience as it would be like they’re revisiting their dream, creating a scary experience. (You could research some common nightmares to create this relatability).

The screenshots you have provided look very intriguing and the concept of placing the main character in different chillingly spooky places creates interest since the player will face unexpected situations, influencing them to continue playing to see what could happen next.

I hope this game goes well, and I feel like it is a fantastic idea for a horror game, great job!

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