Light Leaking Through Parts

That didn’t fix anything. :sob:


how about placing two parts together with a little bit of space between them

Did you try putting a block over that certain area instead of just putting a large block on the top?

Try making the top part of the roof bigger


Resize it to were it matches up to the green part

Not sure how exactly this should look like though, if someone could provide a visual representation that would be great.


I’m assuming that you’re using future lighting,

Instead of putting the pointlights directly in the ceiling lamps, you should make an invisible placeholder part slightly below the lamp itself to illuminate the ceiling and drown out the skybox light.

Since I’m terrible at explaining things here’s an illustration:
Screen Shot 2021-05-15 at 6.49.19 PM

Since future lighting is a bit wonky and putting a point light directly next to a part doesn’t light up the surface it’s right next to (annoying), you have to compensate by placing the point light farther so that surface can be illuminated.


If you’re not planning on going outside and all these other methods fail…you could also try putting in a separate room meant to absorb the light that players won’t see in-game.


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Turn ColorShiftTop 0, 0, 0 OutDoorAmbient 0,0,0 and ColorShiftBottom 0,0,0 in the lighting properties. and make sure the roof is not transparent! if that don’t work it could be a bug on Roblox end.

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I did everything you listed, and the issue is still there.

Try using PointLight, for this problem.

That already seems like an improvement if you ask me, if you keep continuing this cycle and extruding it by its sides then I personally believe the dark blue hue should disappear after some adjustments.

I will try that out when I get back on Studio. :slight_smile:

Scale it all the walls backwards, so they appear the same and are huge, blocking out a lot of light. Scale the roof in every direction but down, so that the build appears to be a 3D rectangle from the outside.

This is usually what I do.

Unions are a very bad practice, I do not recommend that the OP does this.


No worries. I don’t want it corrupting and disappearing like your head. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Enable the shadows setting in the pointlight or whatever light you’re using. If it looks bad, duplicate it a few times.

Hopefully I’m not replying to a solved post


I didn’t read this correctly, though you could use an atmosphere to control this

I was trying to fix this for my game and I found that changing the value of the Ambience worked

im here to save the day, i was recently was working on a cave map and found turning down enviormentalspecular and diffuse to 0 or close to in the lighting tab “shadowmap” of course to work well.


I actually tested this out and it proved good results!
With diffuse and environmental specular:

Since the apartment was made on the new baseplate, certain lighting settings (including the diffuse and environmental specular) are automatically enabled.