Light peeking through corner

The Building Support sub-category is intended for all development support relating to architecture on the Roblox platform. This includes questions ranging in difficulty from extremely basic to even the most technical of issues.

You may present your thread how you choose, but you are required to answer the following questions in your thread;

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
    I would like to achive a closed room with no light peeks from closed corners.

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
    The light pass in-between the walls (I made the wall shadow red)

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
    I searched in the roblox wiki, but the only solution was to increase the wall size when i canā€™t cause the walls are visible from out too.

You may then include any further details.

Could you create an invinsible wall to stop it ?

how? I tried creating a wall and set the transparency to 1. But it was like the light didnā€™t see it as i didnā€™t too.

If the transparency itā€™s not 1 could it stop it ?

If i put parts around the roof or walls yes. But I have to make them soo big, and they look really ugly to the player.

Hmn i think you could set the transparency to 1 + make the parts cant collide.

but if i set it to 1, it doesnā€™t cast shadow, so it doesnā€™t cover the lights going into the wall. thatā€™s the problem :ā€™)

So a light cause that shawdow or the wall themself ?

let me explain.
I made a small ā€œBlockā€ house with 1 door and 2 window.
In the corners of every wall the light pass anyway, making it look ugly and unrealistic.
Iā€™m trying to put parts around the walls and roof to prevent the pass of the light in the house corners, but i canā€™t put invisible parts.
The sun is the one giving this light

Try scaling your walls wider, taller, and thicker

it works, but the house is seeable from outside too, so it would look really ugly.

Thereā€™s not much you can do. Try changing the lighting technology to shadowmap or future

If you have scripting experience you could make the wall become thicker when inside and normal when outside


What Lighting Technology are you using? Perhaps switch to Shadowmap or Future lighting. Itā€™s in the Lighting object properties.

Good luck!


I could try scripting it.


Have you tried tweaking other properties in the Lighting object? Really though this looks like typical Roblox lighting issues, unfortunately.

I do remember reading that walls need to be a certain thickness to ensure light does not ā€˜poke throughā€™ them. But that could be with the legacy lighting, Iā€™m not sure.

This is a common problem that I see in my games. It has to do with the surface texture causing the parts to not fit together completely. So thereā€™s small gaps where the light can get through. Even though you canā€™t see it with the naked eye, the engine sees it by the decimal numbers. The best thing to do is have the parts slightly overlap each other so there is no gab. This solution seems to work for me.

I could try and mess around with the sun properties and yeah itā€™s a roblox lighting issues sadly, :frowning:

My walls already overlap a few, but it seems to not work sadly

To fix this, change lighting technology to Future or ShadowMap. Then, change both EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale to 0. You must then change Ambient to 0,0,0.


thank you a lot!!! it worked!!!