Lighting acts weird when I use Point lights

Whenever I use point lights and future lighting, the transition from entering a bright place to a dark place doesn’t really look too smooth and takes a while to fully turn dark. Is this a feature or a bug? Roblox - Album on Imgur

It’s difficult to tell just from the video all of the variables at play in how the lighting looks or what exactly you’re looking for. One thing I’m thinking about is daylight/outdoor ambient lighting leaking in from outside—even with the interior fully sealed off from the outside, walls and ceilings sometimes don’t fully keep out light from the outdoors (assuming it’s daytime outside). I’d also look at the range on the PointLights to make sure the light isn’t just extending farther than you want.

A few ideas—first, you can darken the Ambient and/or OutdoorAmbient colors (in Lighting). You can also turn down the Brightness. If it’s about the falloff radius from the PointLights allowing the light to extend through open doorways, you can also use surface or spot lights directed down and away from the doorways so that less light will get through openings.

I guess the short answer is that this seems like normal PointLight behavior on future lighting, but there are quite a few options to make it get darker faster if that’s what you’re looking to do. Again, though, it’s not entirely clear just from the video and your post exactly what you’re trying to accomplish or what about the lighting settings (either game.Lighting or the individual PointLight instances) is causing problems.