Lighting bug causes everything to glow unbearably bright when GlobalShadows is on, or EnvironmentSpecularScale is 1

Does anyone know how to fix this bug? It’s happening out of nowhere and it’s ruining my game.

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Can you provide the lighting settings please?

Future lighting, brightness 1.4, EnvironmentDiffuse/Specular scale 1, Global shadows on, Ambient [58, 58, 58], Colorshifts + Outdoor Ambient [0, 0, 0]. Clocktime 15, Latitude 238, Exposure Compensation 0.4

Have you found a solution yet? I’m encountering this issue as well.
The reflections are too intense, I cannot lower the environmentspecularscale because I need that meatless without those intense reflections that come out of nowhere

brightness 1.4 AND exposure compensation 0.4 is your explanation. Too high. First lower exposure compensation and then brightness if needed.
If too dark, adjust ambient settings apppropriately