Lighting bug presenting on character respawn

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)

I’m trying to resolve a lighting bug.

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)

The issue is that when my character dies ( typically, in the fire of my volcano, where I have a number of particle effects with emissive value, and also point lights ) that nearly everything in the workspace with a metallic property acquires an undesirable under-glow, no matter how far away.

Here is the normal appearance :

Here is what happens after I die and respawn :

Curiously, when I click my mouse on the desktop outside of Studio, the lighting enhancements are turned off and the bug goes away. But it comes back when I click in Studio.

The issue is repeatable and also manifests in the published game, on my PC and also on mobile devices.

  • What solutions have you tried so far?

I’ve tried adjusting all the settings under Lighting ( including lighting Technology. ) I currently use Future technology, but neither ShadowMap nor Voxel solve the problem.

I could probably solve the problem by deleting all my lights and particle emitters, but that really isn’t a fix. If anyone has seen this before I’d appreciate any feedback on a work-around, thanks!