Lighting fade pls help

so i have this lighting thingy i been working on for a little but i was wondering if its possible to make it fade into black like as it gets farther away from the middle it like starts to become black.
kinda like this image here


im kinda new to making posts this is my first ever one so if i did any mistakes or stuff lmk pls

If you want the cone shaped lighting effect just use that, but don’t use the image on the ground.

Just use a SpotLight in the lamp with its Radius set to about 20 studs and the Angle set to about 90 degrees (just my guesses from the picture you included). Experiment with the numbers as well as the Brightness of the Spotlight.
Click the Shadows checkbox so the pole shows a shadow behind it.
When you click on the SpotLight in the Explorer window you’ll see a visual rendering of the range and angle of the SpotLight to help you.

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i messed around with the stuff and i still got the same results :sob:

Do you still have the decal on the floor?

what u mean by decal ? the floor on the second picture is from a game called fallen aces

  1. In your first picture from Studio, how did you get the 3 rings of light?

  2. That’s not normal for Roblox lighting so I wondered how you did it.

  3. If you select Lighting in the Explorer window, what is your Technology setting set to? It should be set to Future for the kind of shadows you want.

I suggested 20 studs for the SpotLight (check the link) Range but I just realized the lamp is about 18-20 studs tall. What happens if you experiment with higher Range numbers?

1 and 2 i got the stuff from here How do i make lighting like in brutal company and plunger roulette? and just edited some of it and 3 its sent to voxel right now and i set it to future and i got this