I’m struggeling to light up interiors with the Future light setting, as I get these awkward and strange shadows
Any advice or tips?
I’m struggeling to light up interiors with the Future light setting, as I get these awkward and strange shadows
From where exacty are you pointing your lights? When I use future, I usually only use SpotLights with shadows enabled, and point them top-down or on a small angle from the ceilling to the floor. As they read shadows very well, pointing the lights from the floor or close to a model creates these shadows you’re talking about.
From my observation, Future lighting works best with small objects.
I’d say it has all to do with the positioning of your lighting. Furthermore, future doesn’t make a significant difference when used in smooth plastic environments like this one. Anyway, try re-positioning your light source(s). (I do recommend multiple light sources)
Yeah I think it’s just the positioning. Looks like you have some of the lights under the tables which makes it look weird.
Only really place them from the top