Lighting is extremely bright on mobile

I already looked this issue up and apparently I could make a script where it adjusts the lighting for mobile users, but is there another solution?

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  1. use script
  2. future lighting for android comming soon (if lighting is dimmer in future)

it’s not future lighting, in this photo i’m using shadowmap

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Could you give more detail?

  • what graphic settings are you using for the two platforms
  • Have you tested on multiple mobile devices to make sure it’s not an issue with yours only
  • Do you have any light instances in your game? if so what properties
  • Low graphics mobile, high graphics pc
  • Tested on a recent iOS phone, and a couple Androids
  • Light in this particular instance is a SurfaceLight with a brightness of 0.25 and a range of 16, with an angle of 1

try using the same graphics level for both devices.
Even if that fixes the problem, it doesn’t solve it for others who don’t use max graphics. This might be an issue with roblox and shadowmap lighting technology. Try messing around with other light instances such as point light and different ranges that might work for both devices. Other than that I’m not sure how to solve it or if you can with how roblox works

Thanks for the help, I might just use a script to detect the user’s platform and hopefully I’m able to tweak things there.

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