Lighting is loading too slow and messing up my tunnel

I am trying to make a tunnel, but the graphics don’t seem to be acting fast enough. Can anyone help?

(Screenshots of the lighting loading weird when i move through the tunnel)


Increase the graphics level.


my ingame and studio graphics are already maxxed out

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That’s the editor quality level. Increase the graphics while your character is in the game, doesn’t matter if Studio or not.

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my graphics are always maxxed out on both studio and on the client

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I don’t think it’s possible. It’s generating them. Either get better graphics cards or rely on luck for it to load before you notice.

My game called Hate’s Uprising 2 Remastered has similar issues with generating lighting whenever you teleport and makes it look weird.

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my specs are i9 and rtx 4070. i think the problem is that roblox just assumes that our devices are bad, and doesn’t bother pushing the limit of higher end computers

i don’t want to come off as rude or cocky in that, just making a response

This might be a problem with EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale. Try setting them both to 0 and check if this error still occurs.

setting them to 0 will ruin the appearance of the game

Sadly there’s nothing you can do, as this is due to Roblox’s lighting system. The maximum range of lights is 60 studs. Developers have been requesting an extension/rework for quite a while.

You can maybe try to make a long line of surface light instead of multiple. Multiple lights cause a lot of lag and take time for the GPU to render.

I believe Roblox unloads all light sources based on the distance.

In order to make all lightsources active, you’d have to resort to third-party changes of sort.

If you’re talking about streaming then yes. However, it depends on the distance and Streamoutbehaviour that you set. Regardless of the outcome, the imposition of less light sources will act as a way to further enhance the performance and speed up rendering issue that OP is facing.

This is a problem that Pilgrammed has. In game, there are dark areas that you need to navigate with a lantern/torch, but as you’re moving the light starts lagging behind you, and you probably die to a monster you can’t see. I don’t believe this is fixable, keep using future lighting, and don’t rely too much on Roblox lighting regardless.