Lighting is making avatars / players glow

Hey all,

Recently I’ve been struggling with the lighting in my game. I’m currently using ShadowMap as I really like it, however no matter what I try it makes avatars glow super bright or at the very least makes white clothing become extremely undetailed.

I’ve messed with the Lighting settings, such as Bloom, Colour Correction (Brightness & Contrast) and the actual Lighting tab itself. I’ve also reduced the amount of lights or moved them further away from where Players walk, but to no avail.

No matter what I try it seems like the lighting ALWAYS affects the players avatar and makes the game super ugly in my opinion.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to “exclude” lighting on Avatars / Players. Or how would I go about making it so it doesn’t affect Player Avatars as much?

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Different materials would be one way. Sadly, you can’t change the material of a character with a humanoid in it.

Or maybe try encapsulating the player with a transparent material which has low reflective properties, just enough to still see the player normally but block the reflection.


Ah that’s really disappointing.

I might need to switch to Compatability then even though it looks worse. The player-glow on Shadowmap is so bad for an indoor map that’s super dark. I basically have to choose between poor lighting for the map for better avatars or better lighting for the map for worse avatars.

Seems like Compatability might be the way sadly.

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