Lighting issues with far distances

Hi I’d like to light up a planet with a star but generic point lights etc don’t have a big enough range. Any ideas?

Maybe try using a Highlight instance? Potentially surrounding the part in a neon part? Maybe a neon part with inverted faces?

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I only need the part facing the star to be lit.

You may find some luck using an inverted sphere. Give me a moment and I’ll make an example for you.

Looks like Roblox is goofing up. Give me a moment!

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Here. I’ve made 2 examples.

Is this an effect that would work for you?

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It’s ok but I did have an idea of putting parts in front of the planet but the issue is the planet moves around a star and I have no idea how to keep it in the place where it needs to be.

If you’re aware of how to tween stuff, fairly certain you could tween the CFrame value and that would retain the orientation of it.

robloxapp-20220823-1024210.wmv (2.1 MB)
Heres an example of me walking around it.

That looks pretty cool.

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I did try lerping it but the result didn’t go so well as it would sometimes be in the wrong posistion depending on the size of the planet. Like for example it was in front of the planet instead of being where the star should be lighting up the planet.

LightPart.CFrame = Part.CFrame:Lerp(game.Workspace.Objects.Star.CFrame, 0.0012)

Try making 1 central part that you cframe and weld all of the other parts to it. That should make it easier than individually tweening each part, and it’ll preserve the orientation of the Light part without any fancy scripting needed.

I also uploaded those planet examples I made earlier just incase you wanna toy with them. Free of charge! The glow effect is not visible in the preview.

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Alright cheers mate.

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Connect the point light to the planet using a weld constraint… then when you rotate the planet around the star, use the point light as the pivot point.

(Obviously make the point light invisible).