Hey guys, I’ve been developing a city with a few friends recently and noticed issues with my structures, wondering if anyone might be able to help with my issue?
It’s just a shadow lol, i’m pretty sure there is a property in lighting that disables shadows.
Does the shadow disappear if you make the part thicker?
This happens often when making large unions.
As stated before by @incapaxian you can disable shadows in lighting, however it won’t make the same, it’ll change all your lighting appearences.
It should disappear when making the part thicker, or you could just adding a huge ‘pointlight’ inside the part. It would enlight around the part, but it should be removing those shadows.
Alright, thanks for informing me of this. I’ll try to sort out the issue.
It can also happen if you use too much meshes.
Didn’t use any meshes in this build, I find that the other people were right saying I had too thick of unions. Thanks for the help anyway
Is that one union having two separate shadows or are they two unions on top of each other?
If it’s one union, are there any inside faces that didn’t union properly?